Looking for someone to join me on a 28 day challenge


New member
I started getting serious about fitness again about a month ago. Right now I want to focus on a few areas for 28 days straight. I’m looking for someone to join me and share progress with, share workouts, and hype each other up. I get most of my workouts from YouTube and Netflix (Netflix has fitness videos! Why don’t they advertise this?!).

I’m a 33/F, I’m 5’4 and 133lbs. I’m very excited about the progress I’ve been making, but have no one to share it with or motivate me. My initial goal weight was 108lbs but that changed once I decided I want to build up my muscle mass in target areas. I no longer have a goal weight, just a goal physique.

I’m looking for anyone to join me, regardless of your fitness goals but preferably someone that’s also in the beginner phase. Shoot me a message and maybe we can create a group chat on another platform to keep each other motivated!
@bayface107 “I no longer have a goal weight, just a goal physique”

THIS OP. What a great and very mature perspective you have gained. Too many people in the beginning get lost focusing on the scale and not the big picture.

Keep up the grind and I hope you find your workout buddy! 💪
@radiantjedichica It’s pretty well done and was released like a year ago I think partnering with Nike. It has hiit style videos but also yoga. It also has a set of videos by duration so if you only have 20 minutes to work out you can load one up.
@dawn16 Most popular video platforms don’t, like Hulu. But I think most people are surprised because it’s not advertised at all. No need to be condescending if you have nothing to add.
@radiantjedichica Yup I once looked for Yoga and came across all their stuff. Strange that they don’t even have a fitness genre so you really have to look for it. They did partner with Nike studios and those and yoga are so far the ones I’ve done.
@bayface107 I'll do it if you can't find anyone else. I have a military reunion March 7 which is just about perfect for your 28 days.

But that's only if you can't find someone more compatible. I'm older and a male and have been going to the gym for 30 years. Off and on, lol.
@uzezi A lot of pilates, lots of wall pilates, some of the videos require resistance bands and weights. I’m not trying to bulk up but to tone myself so I do videos that focus on strengthening specific parts of the body.
@bayface107 I would def be interested. I just got a gym pass a week ago. My wife and I went a few time and had to take a break for a medical thing. Now starting tomo, I am back at it. My wife's goal is to get more toned while mine is to put on muscle mass.
@bayface107 If you use the app Hevy, you can probably find some people there. It’s set up to be a social workout app.

I too have a physique goal rather than a weight goal. 💪💥
@bayface107 I could be interested. I have lost 10 pounds in one month, and want to keep it going, but recently got my ankle injured and got demotivated :( so I would benefit from some positive energy to keep pushing

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