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  1. H

    Does aging really contribute to weight gain/loss of muscle?

    @xene19 So they did a landmark study on this recently and "metabolism" doesn't drop until age 60. You do start losing some lean mass past 30 if you don't maintain it, however it's easy to maintain and even add muscle for a few decades more. Source in layman language...
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @joke This is my main problem - haven't found a suitable gym crush yet ... Not even kidding 😅
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    Mark Rippetoe says: she needs to be placed in sexual slavery

    @meow69 Yeah somehow I gathered he was a misogynist but I had no idea it was this crazy. 🤢 Interesting how instead of offering logical replies the answer is to subjugate and humiliate women. I feel sorry for the women who had the misfortune of knowing him.
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    5'4"//27F//177lbs DEXA Scan (36.5%Fat)

    @anonymous_iran Good job on the weight loss and lifestyle changes :) And whatever the number be, knowing it is always better IMO. Now you can measure how much you progress from here.
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    45yo female beginner wants to lose weight and get stronger

    @mika2020 Mike Matthew's website and podcasts muscleforlife has some really good information about everything from macro splits to training routines. I read his TLS book for women, and it was useful but you can probably get all the information from his site. In general it would be best to start...
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    I’m going back to the office. How did I workout before work again?!

    @joyinsf I feel your pain. I decided to switch gyms. My work gym is amazing and cheaper but I work from home 1-2 days a week and it is a massive PITA to carry all my shit. So now I'm a member at a 24/7 gym close to my home. I much prefer going with just my wallet, keys, water bottle, phone...
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    Calculated macros using Mike Matthews Thinner Leaner Strong program, do they look okay?

    @lizzier Yeah it's all about what works for you really. If what you're doing currently is sustainable then keep at it and tweak as necessary.
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    Calculated macros using Mike Matthews Thinner Leaner Strong program, do they look okay?

    @lizzier In my experience trying to stick to very high protein has been difficult because I would end up needing more carbs than allowed. This would push up my total calories for the day. My $0.02 is to go with something more sustainable, perhaps 1g/lb protein. This would free up some calories...