How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

@allthingsarebecomenew I follow some athletes that I like on Instagram, and sometimes looking at their training-related posts helps me motivate myself if I’m not feeling very energetic that day. I also look at my own training / races coming up on the calendar and remind myself how this workout will contribute to my larger goals. Listening to songs that hype me up is also helpful!
@allthingsarebecomenew If I don’t train hard I won’t do well at my meets. If I didn’t sign up for meets, I wouldn’t train hard either which is why I sign up for one every 3 months. So I guess having a specific goal is helpful. Also preworkout.
@allthingsarebecomenew I rely on the program I'm doing to push me to go harder. Currently I'm building back up after a long absence due to illness, but in the past, I just do what my program tells me. I'm using Stronger By The Day. It tells you the percentages for the weights that you use for the different lifts. It also tells me the rep and set ranges to use. I don't have to think about it. I just do what's on the list for the day. Using it longer term has the pushing yourself built in.