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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 Looking clean man! Keep it up. Thank you for your tips, ill start working my way into HS asap.
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 I live in Macedonia man, haha. Many havent even heard of Macedonia. I might start doing that, handstand is one of my goals for 2015. Do you think that it is achievable? What is the hardest movement you can do right now? :)
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 It untwists unfortunately. Thats why i fell from it, and boy did it hurt. Same injury, same spot, same everything. It is really frustrating man, you kind of loose motivation after stuff like this. Btw, the closest workout park is 40 min with bus away from me. The weather is below 0C...
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 It was winter break from school for us here, and boy did i take that break seriously. 20 days of constant eating, sleeping, and watching something. However, i got off my lazy bum and convinced myself to do some exercising. (little over 2 months of bwf training) New PBs: 12+ explosive...
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    Sunday Show Off - Your home for some progress-acceptance!

    @groo101 15 kgs (33lbs) weighted pullups, 3 sets 5 reps on my first weighted pullups session. I will be aiming to hit 4-5 reps with 20 kgs this week! I am doing this on my cut also, i miss eating all that food. I must say tho, getting leaner really helps you on them barz, mystery confirmed boys.