Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

@christianityisgreat94 I am so jealous of you! That set up looks nice and compact, something I'd really like to have in my studio apartment. Do you happen to have the schematics for it? Also, how much did it cost in material to make?
@groo101 Since I began BWF in September I had a 7 week layoff due to a shoulder stabilisation op. I weighed 91.2kg.

It is now January. 12 weeks since my op.
  • 84.8kg
  • One leg extended ring inverted rows
  • Elbow in push ups
  • So so close to doing a floor L sit. - scratch that. I just got down on the floor and fucking did one!
  • 90% range of movement.
  • 10k a week cardio with 10m shadowboxing during my gym workout
My goal for the end of January is to finally safely add pullups to my routine. Not sure if the physio will let me but we will see :)
@dawn16 Oh man, great job with your recovery! But certainly scale it back if the physio recommends it. The worst thing you can do is to screw up the healing process by being overeager!
@groo101 It was winter break from school for us here, and boy did i take that break seriously. 20 days of constant eating, sleeping, and watching something.

However, i got off my lazy bum and convinced myself to do some exercising. (little over 2 months of bwf training)

New PBs:

12+ explosive strict pullups

73 pushups in one go

10+ seconds of L-sit hold

Guess what hapenned after this? Just as my leg injury started healing, the pullup bar untightened itself, and bam, i messed up my kneecap again and i can barely walk.
@asotoskori Damn, do you have one of those pullup bars that are screwed into the door frame or does it untwist like a tension rod to hold itself in place? That's some scary stuff, but you've still made great progress. There's nothing better than going back to school or place of work feeling stronger and feeling swole.
@groo101 It untwists unfortunately. Thats why i fell from it, and boy did it hurt. Same injury, same spot, same everything. It is really frustrating man, you kind of loose motivation after stuff like this.

Btw, the closest workout park is 40 min with bus away from me. The weather is below 0C, and ive gotten fatter during this break. Im kinda feeling stronger because of the progress, but feeling worse overall.
@asotoskori Haha tell me about it. I primarily do my workouts at home for the same reason. I'm too lazy to venture out to the nearest park with bars, which is quite some distance from me. Also, I live in Philadelphia and right now the weather is just too cold for me to work out in. Perhaps look at other things to work into when the kneecaps start feeling better? For instance, moving past your regular form pushups toward handstand pushup progressions?
@groo101 I live in Macedonia man, haha. Many havent even heard of Macedonia.

I might start doing that, handstand is one of my goals for 2015. Do you think that it is achievable? What is the hardest movement you can do right now? :)
@chadwick90 Damn Mike, that was clean as hell. I've still yet to have time to take the capoeira class we offer at my gym, but I talk to the teacher all the time. You're a huge inspiration for my aspiration to become the Asian Eddie Gordo.
@groo101 Found out I can do a couple straddle one arm push ups! Only tried a few but that was cool!

Also, a friend I haven't seen since November called me out in a meeting and asked if I had been working out. Everyone stopped and looked and I was embarrassed. Thanks a lot.
@groo101 Haha, it was nice, but I actually was embarrassed because of the way she did it. She just kind of blurted it out randomly, changing topics, among a bunch of people and it was one of the moments where you could feel everyone's head turn.