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    Advice for chest progression as I feel like I am on a plateu

    @echaminya Do 6-8 reps instead of 12.
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    Had a disaster at the gym

    @jesus4ever Also instead on doing bw ab exercises, do weighted ones instead. Like cable crunches or the ab crunch machine if your gym had one.
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    Had a disaster at the gym

    @jesus4ever I value intensity over volume. 3 sets of squats/rdls, 2 sets of leg press/leg curl. Calves and abs.
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    Had a disaster at the gym

    @jesus4ever I personally do abs right after lower body days. Suits better.
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    Had a disaster at the gym

    @jesus4ever Abs are a muscle, my guy. Training your abs is not cardio. Also all trainers are trash by default. My advice to every noob out there is to get a basic foundation about lifting, nutrition and cardio for 1-2 months before actually stepping into the gym.