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    People told me l’m doing junk volume. I’ve never seen such fast gains though

    @dawn16 Goggins’ body is a mess dude. What are you talking about.
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    How to optimize deload week nutritionally?

    @christinaf I’ve read this as: a) cut hard and lose 3lbs of fat and muscle b) cut 1lb of both fat and muscle c) bulk and push past 190lbs with mostly fat gain Without the stimulus of weight training you can’t expect to lose only fat and gain only muscle while manipulating your diet. Eat in...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @learningasigo That one biases the peak contraction as well.
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @justincann Ok, yeah it looks like the two pulldown machines they have can bias the stretch, or at least have a balanced curve, if you drop the seat height:;type:CMProduct&query=***&pageNum=0&channelId=34138#t-2900...
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    RP Hypertrophy App Update, Mesocycle 3

    @dawn16 The app doesn’t keep endlessly adding sets each week. It finds the sweet spot on a per muscle group and exercise basis. Ideally it has you do just enough sets that you’re sore in the target muscle right up until the next time you train it. Also, slowing down the concentric and pausing...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @justincann I was commenting on the machines that OP linked, but yes it depends. However, I’ve never seen a hammer strength machine that doesn’t bias full contraction (pressing or pulling). Prime Fitness makes one with multiple locations...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @knowledgeisnotignorant These machines can be useful for all those reasons you mentioned. However, they fall short because the force curve biases the lockout. Ideally, you want tension on the target muscle to increase as you move into a lengthened position. These machines do the exact opposite...
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    Rate My Routine!

    @yellowbutterfly He probably gets a decent amount of stimulus from the pulling movements
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    Stretched Pause and slow negative

    @neverbeenalone Dr Mike has been on record saying that just training hard and eating correctly covers about 90% of gains. The controlled eccentrics and pause under stretch gives a marginal advantage in terms of growth. Where I see the benefit is in terms of injury risk and efficiency. For...
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    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @blondie977 If your goal is finding a high SFR movement for the lats you probably shouldn’t do any of these and instead opt for a vertical pull
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @cathyj Cons (and please others chime in if I missed any): 1. The weights used on the main lifts are relatively high, which means lower reps, and that’s not optimal for growth. 2. It’s centered around training the big three (plus OHP), which aren’t the most effective exercises for aesthetics...