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    I’m approaching 50, vegetarian, and am about 60 pounds overweight. I want to start a full body transformation what should I do?

    @woodgood At 50m now, what I've learned in the last 2.5 yrs of running is you can't outrun your fork. Give quality time for your heart and your gym work. You'll get a lot of good results. For me after walking, then run walk, then running. I'm not fast but I lost enough weight to fit so much...
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    I’m approaching 50, vegetarian, and am about 60 pounds overweight. I want to start a full body transformation what should I do?

    @b4jesus93 Very good list. Sleep is incredibly important. So much so I very rarely drink alcohol. One drink a week, maybe. Two drinks will destroy my sleep for a night or two. My Garmin details the stress data while I sleep. As for nutrition I try to avoid eating foods out of a box...
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 Don't fix it if it ain't broke. Keep enjoying what you're doing. I've done the same as well.
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 It's a weightlifting program called 531 Boring But Big: There are other programs out there. You can roll your own or do with a well-established program like 531BBB.
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    Should I see significant improvements after 5 months of training?

    @swindon I'm not familiar with Orange Theory but have heard the thump music eating pizza next door, but I think it's HIIT stuff, which is good. HIIT helps build endurance but may not necessarily burn fat in zone 2. With a smartwatch you'll have a better idea of which zone you're training in...
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 I (51M) lift thee to five times a week and make gains. Legs and upper body same amount. Don't do too fast or risk an injury. Check out r/gym for good programs. Maybe 531 BBB is just right. At our age doing any regular lifting is a great thing. If gains you want there are ways.
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    How to get stronger as we age

    @mz_jess Keep moving and lift things symmetrically. Run easily and do gym stuff. Weightlifting can do wonders, even if using light weights.
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    Should I see significant improvements after 5 months of training?

    @swindon If you have a smart watch of any variety, try some light cardio (brisk walking) for 45 minute sessions in the week keeping your hear rate around 130 or less. Zone 2 is where you want to be. If you're losing weight your diet is working well. The love handles might take a while to...
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    advice appreciated

    @dezmond Do your best to stay in motion.
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    Advice sought for beginning excercise at 57

    @nikorasu95 From a 52M perspective (I run and lift and have BP issues), for strength and conditioning, look into Starting Strength novice linear progression program (NLP). This is basic barbell stuff if you have your own home gym (or build one). To get stronger you need to lift heavier. You...
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    Over 50 Trying for the perfect weekly schedule. All runners and lifters Give me your best

    @jordqwa Lose fat with a better diet. Run early in the day. Lift in the evening. Sleep well at night. Maybe take a day to recover. Hydrate well. Eat protein if you want to gain muscle. Running after a leg day is difficult. Maybe cycle after leg day then run the next. Don’t push too hard...