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  1. D

    How to eat 190g of protein a day as a vegan on a calorie deficit?

    @iowakid8401 Do you have much muscle already? If not, and your weight is mostly body fat, you can get by with a lot less protein. The optimal range is likely 0.7-1g/lb of bodyweight, which for you would be 165g-237 grams. Since it sounds like your primary goal is weight loss and you're a...
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    Things you eat everyday

    @runningwithfire I doubt there is a food that I eat every day, without fail, other than water. But these are foods I eat almost every day, less because of a specific nutritional content, more because they just fit into my diet broadly, they're relatively cheap, and they're versatile: Fats...
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    Creatine timing?

    @felicitypenny Doesn't matter. It's about having enough in your system. You get that by taking it consistently. timing makes no difference, just take it when it's convenient for you. You don't need to take it in the car.
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    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @ginger1108 Just add the powder to your protein shake along with your protein powder. It doesn't have to be a separate drink.
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    Coffee drinkers/weight loss

    @nbabkina Try getting better coffee. When I drink cheaper coffee, it needs more creamer and sugar to taste good. Maybe change your method of preparation too if you can. Pour over is so much smoother. Also just try to slowly transition to having less cream and sugar. try it with 75% for a week...
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    not gaining weight....eating 4k+ a day...very sad, please help!!!

    @icameforhelp 3 possibilities: You are not actually eating that many calories, either weighing your food incorrectly or using the wrong entries. You have a very high metabolism or are just burninga lot at your job but are otherwise healthy and just need to eat a lot of food. You have some...
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    I want the vegan protein holy book

    @flyingforjesus You mean you are planning on doing 300 days in the gym. And that number doesn't mean anything. Someone doing 150 days in the gym can make more progress than someone doing 300 days if they're working harder. My point is that you are putting a lot of effort into the 2%...
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    I want the vegan protein holy book

    @flyingforjesus My advice? Spend less time trying to optimize and go start lifting. Lift heavy thing and put it down. Eat lots of protein. Get strong. I made my best progress when I pushed myself harder in the gym and ate a lot of food consisently. This is a good article though...
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    Stronger by Science: Protein Quality

    @unaidedbean Thanks for providing such thoughtful feedback. I started listening to SBS when I was still an Omni and had the same fear but there is actually a decent amount of vegan-friendly content on there. I think it's partly driven by Eric's recent lifestyle change but also that there has...
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    Stronger by Science: Protein Quality

    @unaidedbean Thanks for that feedback! You make a great point and I think "complete/incomplete" is a reductive way of thinking about it. I was using those words as shorthand and because I've just been conditioned to but you are right. I have edited my post to remove those words and just focus on...
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    Vegan Strength Training Diet

    @whatwouldhedo I like how you have all these foods optimized for fat loss and bone strength and hair growth and then it's just... French fries.
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    Stronger by Science: Protein Quality

    TL;DR For the best results, aim for your total daily protein intake to be 1.6 - 2.2g/kg of bodyweight if looking to maximize muscle growth (0.8 - 1.1 g/kg for general health/maintenance) spread out over 3-6 feedings. Strive to get your protein from a mix of grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds to...
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    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    @ericph This is cool but I'm wondering if a dead hang is really a better back exercise than just doing a bent over or Kroc row with a kettlebell.
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    Eating well but still losing weight?

    @de501 You are losing weight because you aren't eating enough calories. Forget what an online calculator tells you. If you are tracking accurately and weighing consistently, the scale is the guide you should use. Also you should do cardio.
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    Is it possible to eat too much fruit? (Runner, lifter)

    @jordan221 I'm sure there is such a thing as eating too much fruit. But if you 1) feel good, 2) are hitting your fitness goals 3) have a well balanced diet in other regards, then you're probably fine. I'm not sure why you are worried about the glycemic index.
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    High-calorie or “bulking” foods you eat?

    @jimishasmom Tofu and noodles with a peanut butter (soy, Sriracha, sesame, garlic, etc) sauce. PB&J. Protein shakes with peanut butter in them. I think you'll notice a theme.
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    Let's play a game: pre-/ or post workout vegan foods?

    @emua Eat whatever you enjoy, or nothing at all. There's very little difference outside of how you feel. Some days I have an apple before a workout, some days a full breakfast. You're probably overthinking this.
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    How did Brian Turner get 100 g of protein though these ingredients?

    @theologybuff He's also eating two pb & J's and a bunch of pasta.
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    Feedback on my daily food intake

    @denispeter Plug it all into cronometer or my fitness pal, see how it adds up.
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    26 y/o female new to weight lifting, struggling to hit my 150g of protein target

    @sally_wheeler Seconded that you don't need that much protein, especially as an absolute beginner. The optimal range is likely between 0.7-1g/lb bodyweight. You can still build muscle with less. Also - doing cardio is good for you, even if you're trying to gain weight, and the calories lost by...