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  1. M

    I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

    @devonian The people in person - and online - that you're hearing say "it doesn't matter" believe it doesn't matter because the coaches they encounter do a poor job coaching standards consistently. If you have members in your gym missing the standard in the open it's a direct reflection on you...
  2. M

    I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

    @devonian I mean... If my post offended you it's likely you're the kind of person it was talking about... 😘
  3. M

    I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

    @devonian I actually feel the opposite. Seems to me that coaches who are encountering this haven't held standards and coached solid standards throughout the year. They've let athletes ride on subpar movements and not gone the extra mile the entire year and are now looking at their athletes with...