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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @lou8657 Yep. Someone commented and asked if I have an eating disorder??? Like no??? This is just a place to rant because we all go through ups and downs with weight loss.
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @dmhanson511 Glad to know I’m not alone! 😅 it’s hard going from cooking every single one of your own meals to…not lol. 2,000 deficit is a short girls dream😂 But you’re totally right. When I made this post I think I was just thinking the extreme, that he’s going to find it odd that I’m tracking...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @meteorstorm I think it may be a combination of both if that’s possible. I have a lot of upper body gains but lower body there’s muscle there, it’s just not popping as much as my upper body. I guess I won’t know for sure until I get a DEXA scan or something which I hear isn’t even totally...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @bandarbo Thank you :) I explained this already in other comments but I’m cooking dinner tomorrow night for us and I’m going to weigh out my portions and explain to him that I’m going to start tracking again. I know he will be supportive
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @johnc1953 That’s a perfect way to say it. I’m cooking dinner tomorrow night so I’ll probably say that exactly. I’m already back on the tracking train, I pre tracked my breakfast and lunch for today and tomorrow. When I start cooking tomorrow I’m going to also track everything I put in the meal...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @johnc1953 That’s a perfect way to say it. I’m cooking dinner tomorrow night so I’ll probably say that exactly. I’m already back on the tracking train, I pre tracked my breakfast and lunch for today and tomorrow. When I start cooking tomorrow I’m going to also track everything I put in the meal...
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    How do you find time to get in 10k steps a day? (Plus a general question about time management.)

    @bham I hit around 8k-9k steps per day by walking to work and back, I’m in a metro area as well. When I’m at the gym I usually get in more steps if I’m doing leg days that include lunges etc. also I really like doing shadowboxing classes on the peloton phone app, because you are moving back and...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @johnc1953 I appreciate you saying this. My boyfriend is extremely supportive with everything I do, it’s moreso my anxiety of worrying what others think. I’ve just been so used to my whole life doing everything on my own terms, my own routine etc. he knows I’m very passionate about fitness so if...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @sweetkf Yeah I figured it can’t hurt to at least try it out again and see how I feel. I already usually measure out some food like when I’m prepping oatmeal etc so he’s familiar with that
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    Hi all, so I’ve been on my fitness journey for almost two years now. In my early to mid 20s I pretty consistently stayed at 120 pounds, maybe even a little less. I wasn’t exercising that much, just the occasional cardio, yoga, and maybe lifting weights. Probably only exercised 1-2 times a week...
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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @icashoutapp That’s a great routine you have. I think I am going to start to walk BEFORE my workouts because I definitely struggle with doing it after. I’ll be super wiped after doing a peloton workout and really not be able to go for a walk so I’m going to switch it up and see what happens.
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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @icashoutapp Congrats that awesome! How many steps do you try to do a day? My goal is 5k which I usually get done, I just sit in front of a computer all day so after I do a workout on my peloton bike I try to go walk for a little bit. Realistically I should probably be doing more but since my...
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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @icashoutapp Everything you said is completely valid. I try to take pics every few weeks to track progress and weigh myself once a week. I was just silly for weighing myself after a weekend of eating out. I gotta remember it takes longer than 3 months to see progress. I get impatient sometimes 🥺...
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    I’m so discouraged :/ last week on my weekly weigh in I was 122.4 and now I’m back to where I started 3 weeks ago, 125.4 (5’2”)

    @bferg333 Yeah I weighed myself this morning and I’m back to 125.0 so at least I’m getting somewhere!
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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @stosa I only weigh myself once a week, probably didn’t help that I weighed myself after a long weekend of eating over my maintence. Going to refrain from doing that again and go back to my normal day which is Wednesday
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    I’m so discouraged :/ last week on my weekly weigh in I was 122.4 and now I’m back to where I started 3 weeks ago, 125.4 (5’2”)

    @startupchristian You are really right. Everyone has been so helpful and kind to this post and it’s really making me realize that these things don’t happen overnight. I really hope in 3 months from now I will be able to hit my goal, which I do think is possible if I stick to my healthy habits!
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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @pandafan Yep, honestly I’m not weighing myself after a weekend where I ate a lot again just because of how much it made me upset. I’m going to stick to doing it once a week, on wednesdays (which is what I probably do). Out of curiosity I weighed myself this morning and there was -0.2 change...
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @regadoo I’m the same exact weight as you rn hoping to get down back to 122-123 where I started. What does your current routine look like?
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    I’m so discouraged :/ last week on my weekly weigh in I was 122.4 and now I’m back to where I started 3 weeks ago, 125.4 (5’2”)

    @tiffc I used to weigh almost every day but it was making me go crazy :( so I do once a week instead now