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  1. D

    Do light workouts have benefit?

    @mainten84 I love this shit. Here's math. So, growth is approximately equal anywhere between 5 reps left in the tank and failure. It's a little worse but still good up until about 10 reps away from failing. So, if you can bench 3x15 at 185 and no more, about a three-plate 1rm, you'd be...
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    Becoming more exhausted the higher my maxes go

    @rosesz Doing 5 reps of 425 takes more effort that 225? Weird lol
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    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @youngwolf Two weeks isn't enough time to get rid of statistical noise, so I don't think the problem is your actions, but rather your expectations. If at the start, you had a nice poop just before weighing, that's a pound or two. And during the deficit, if you are changing your salt and carb...
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    Need fitness routine for feminine tone

    @dausman23 Tone isn't a thing. There's mire or less muscle and more or less fat. Tone is a beauty magazine term from the 90s back when they told women they needed high reps. Do Stronglifts 5x5. It'll take care of you for at least 6 months. Try to eat 100g of protein a day.
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    How much calories/protein should I eat to gain muscle? 25 F

    @ecce For females it's 2/3rds of that
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    How do you keep motivated?

    @rhettryder 2 year goal. Not something that makes sense. Something that makes you giddy. Work backwards and break it up into 6 month phases with measurable landmarks. Then you can just enjoy the process without worrying or getting distracted by how today feels. You know where you're going.
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    No weight loss with weight lifting

    @galnaros That's probably not enough food. Eat more. Your NEAT won't be supressed
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    Fitness Programs? are they worth the price?

    @david_loves_boats It doesn't really matter. All good programs yield about the same results. That link has all the program reviews on reddit analyzed and ranked, so see if something catches your eye. My personal recommendation would be GZCLP as it not only works for a beginner like...
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @gigibraun Can you expand on the question? Like, have you dieted way down to 159, or did you start at 130 and have been bulking already? My thinking is this: what's a healthy amount of muscle, whats too much, and what's too little...
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo If you can't sleep, you won't be growing much. Do what you can, but just focus on maintaining if you can't sleep. Also, try something else. There's nothing special about 10kg. Do 5 kg for a tabata set. That's where you do as many reps as you can for 20 seconds, and then rest for 10...