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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @tverinus I understand your critique and I don’t completely disagree. The idea was that if you’re at a loss as to why you’re unable to lose weight, counting calories accurately is the only way that is 100% sure to work. If this was a post on ways to count calories without making it feel like a...
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @arist007 I’m not sure how accurate is MFP for TDEE calculations but I think what you’d have to do is either put yourself as sedentary in MFP or not eat back the calories, I think that’s what they intended for it it to be used and it’s somewhat of a bug (or just bad app features). Personally I’d...
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    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @inneed87 That is a good analogy! And technically the mini is more fuel efficient, therefore better. Ok I know most people actually want to eat more food but you can see it in a way like… you get less fatigued going on a hike because you have less weight to carry.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @arist007 How was your TDEE calculated? If using a TDEE calculator, did you log “sedentary” as your activity or did you log that you workout x amount of time per week? If you logged that you workout a certain amount of times, then it’s already accounted for so don’t eat those back. If your TDEE...
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    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @debate507 It’s not that your metabolism is ruined, it’s that a smaller mass burns less calories to maintain. A tall man who weighs 200 lbs needs more calories to maintain his current mass + have his organs function. So yeah basically, the smaller you are, the least you burn at rest, just like...
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    Confused on Macros

    @robertwarhero2 The free version of MFP only lets you put in percentages for your macros but you can adjust it so your goal is about 100mg. That amount sounds about right to me for weight loss, maybe a bit on the low side but not that much. I read a lot on this sub you need 1g/lb of bodyweight...
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    Plateauing 8 pounds above my goal

    @corgigal I recently wrote a pretty complete post about plateaus. It’s in my history if you want to check it out.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @pandafan That is not what this post is about, otherwise it would be called “is losing weight the solution for you?”. Muscle mass influences TDEE but most calculators offer to calculate based on body fat percentage. When unknown, it usually assumes average/low muscle mass.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @angelonline I put it in the TLDR, it’s definitely another possibility. I also put in a disclaimer about excessive restriction and nutrient deficiencies in the section about TDEE calculations.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @angelonline Which is why I put in point #5. That was just the TLDR.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @oosbey1 Thank you! That is such a great suggestion, I will add it!
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    I’m lost!!!

    @kuysniks Are you putting on weight? If yes, how fast? That’s how you’ll know.
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    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @lin The best way to figure it out as accurately as possible is to track as much data as possible: your caloric intake, your calories burnt and your weight. From these info, you can get a fairly good idea of your TDEE. For your calories burnt from activity, your best bet is to use a smart watch...
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @jamsie Once again, no causal link has been established. The idea is that artificial sweeteners would be the cause. Artificial sweeteners can be helpful to some when trying to lose weight, and the benefits overall seem to outweigh the risk, especially in very obese people.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @jamsie Just jumping in to say that the increased risk of type 2 diabetes in people who drink diet soda doesn’t mean it’s a cause-and-effect relationship, that actually hasn’t been proven. It could just be random.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @pandafan That’s one way to do it and it can work for some. Personally, it wouldn’t work for me as I already did most of this stuff and was unable to lose weight. That goes back to point number 6. You can try other things, especially at first, but if you’ve hit a plateau, the only way to know...
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @ecumeni Sohee made a post about this recently and I thought it was refreshing, like she doesn’t have kids and her business is basically to workout, so of course she finds the time.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @brcseac That is also good advice. The more comments I read on this post, the more I think I should make another post on things that make staying in a deficit feel less difficult, stuff like eating voluminous foods, having a lot of fiber and protein.
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @jodi1028 Hard agree and I’m completely aware that my vision when it comes to this is on the « harsh » side so I try not to push it onto others, because everyone’s goals and priorities are different. But yeah it’s a bit annoying when people ask « what’s your secret » and when you tell them...
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @kullboys I’m always a sugar lover, fruits help but it of course doesn’t completely scratch the itch (strawberries are delicious when in season and only 32 calories for 100 grams). The only thing with sugar is that it may make you hungrier by causing an insulin spike. Honestly, meal...