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    Has anyone had a silly “lightbulb” moment while exercising?

    @christoph2005 From what I remember my trainer telling me, bench press, deadlifts and squats are all all body movements. I could be remembering wrong though lol
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    What are some simple things you all do to improve your fitness?

    @jordan1984 Back in my mid 20s (I'm 34 now) I tried to start running. Tried the couch to 5k but still found it impossible to run even one full mile. Anyway, a few years later, I started lifting. I think I was about 27? Well after a few years of just lifting, I was like, maybe I should add in...
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    What are some simple things you all do to improve your fitness?

    @katechon Do you have any tips for jump roping? I try to do it but when every other jump catches the rope, I just want to quit! Am I trying to go too fast? Is the rope too short??
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @austinjoel2001 What a couple of jackasses. I'm confrontational so I def would've told them to get move away from me but yes, talk to management. Hopefully they'd be willing to do something about it.
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @a3yan Why is that anyone else's responsibility?
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @taramed71 Same but add an extra year lol
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho Have you tried elevating your ankles at all? I usually need to put my ankles on a 5 lb plate so I can squat with my feet shoulder width apart. Otherwise, I have to go really wide on my stance to go past parallel
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    Lower body gains update from an Apple-shaped girlie

    @jewlyen Thanks for sharing and you look great! As someone who's never cut before and considering it now, what was your routine like for cutting? And how long do you usually cut for?
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @protorayish Yeah try doing some deep stretches. I did a pretty heavy leg day last week and my legs were killing me on the second day. So I did a really full, deep stretch and most of the soreness was gone by the next day
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @protorayish Are you stretching? If any part of my body is sore, I do a good 15 minute stretch session and it really helps alleviate the pain. Foam rolling also really helps me
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @sf3612 I used it for about 4-5 months. I didn't really have a time frame, I kinda let it pick for me so the app set my goal as a few months. I was only trying to lose 15 lbs and at first it gave me ~1600 calories/day. I would only log full days and I was weighing everything and logging...
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    What's an actual realistic goal? Pictures and current routine included

    @thestvn I tried macro factor and it tried to get me to eat 1200 calories a day, and at 5'6" that's just wayyyyy too low
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    Dec 1 2022 to Feb 21 2023

    @sivires That's such good progress for 11 weeks! Now I'm thinking of checking her out as I've been consistently working out for about 6 month and haven't noticed any difference... Also, when you say you do a "12.3.30" on the treadmill is that incline/speed/time?