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    How do I tell a girl in the gym to leave me alone without hurting her feelings?

    @jeannie36 It sucks, but sometimes you just have to suffer through. If it's just one quick conversation between sets, it's annoying, but no one's getting hurt. There's a dude in my gym that is the same. He comes over and says hey, tells me about his weekend, maybe shows me a picture of his dog...
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    F/29 1.5 year transformation. Fluffy mom of two to Figure competitor

    @solonotsingle One: your back gains are incredible. It totally changes the shape of your whole body Two: if it isn't way too much trouble, are you willing to give a detailed account of any workout day of your choosing? I'm curious about sets/reps/exercises so that I can make some comparisons
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    Lily Myers "Shrinking Women"

    @sabrina_ This is... my new favorite thing. Thanks for sharing.
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    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @jesse1354 I quit cold turkey. I allowed myself to eat as much as I wanted of anything that was cool with my diet. So calories went away while I was adjusting. Took about two weeks to get through the withdrawal
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    Low calorie count + workouts = tired

    @unhappymale I'll just tack on to all the other comments. I'm 5'4" and my maintenance is around 1600. If you're straight up exhausted, it isn't about macros, it's about energy. You aren't getting enough of it. 1250 is so low; even when I cut on low carb with zero exercise for 6 months, I was...