@sabrina_ That was awesome! Definitely brought some perspective.
It is interesting to see how differences in upbringing can affect how we interact with the world, whether we are assertive, or passive.
One thing that kind of relates to this and fitness, is that from a young age on a greater whole, women are taught that they are physically weaker than men and should not try so hard. They are told they should not grind, sweat, grimace, when working out or participating in sports. They should not eat a ton for performance. This mentality is not really looked down on, but it is also not overtly encouraged.
Of course not every female is brought up that way, but many are. Many are given choices to do sports but are not pushed as hard into it. They are not told they are strong physically and mentally from a young age and therefore think that doing 50 push ups or benching their bodyweight is impossible.
I really like the powerlifting movement because it empowers women to push past that barrier, as do many other sports.
I only hope we move from the perspective that not only accepts a woman that sweats, grinds, and grimaces and eats for performance (not for frailty), but also encourages it.