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    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    @harley That’s totally fine if high rep compounds work for you. I was just saying that it may not work for everyone depending on many factors
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    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    @harley If a high rep set of squats or deadlifts tires the lifter out and doesn’t allow the target musculature to be the limiting factor, then high reps aren’t gonna be great for that specific lift for that specific individual.
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    Training like mike mentzer

    @lovinghusbandforever When did I say I was a high volume advocate? Do you just assume everyone who criticizes HIT automatically does high volume?
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    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @bronsontaur Low to moderate protein diets are probably fine given you’re in a calorie surplus since carbs and fats are protein sparing. However, try going low protein in a deficit, I bet you’d lost muscle decently faster than if you kept protein high
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    Anyone doing the programming from renaissance periodization?

    @jazzper If you’re confident you can accurately gauge RIR then it’s a great program. If not, stick to double progression.
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    Training like mike mentzer

    @lonilsny It’s almost as if being dogmatic leads to worse results 😱🤯
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    2 in 1 belt

    @mac64 No. Those are 2 totally different types of belts
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    Rate my Workout

    @musicpainter21 lots and lots of fluff
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    Creating/structuring a leg day

    @danielandthelion I wouldn’t overthink it. Pick your favorite exercises per muscle and focus on progressive overload.
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    How to optimize deload week nutritionally?

    @christinaf Being able to use adipose tissue for energy and recovering from diet and training-induced fatigue are two wildly different things.
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    How to optimize deload week nutritionally?

    @christinaf The point of a deload is to reduce fatigue, so being in a deficit is not conducive to that at all. Train easy and eat at maintenance if you want to optimize a deload
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    Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

    @jamierite74 I’ve been training for about 10 years and tbh, I think the high volume and high intensity camp are both doing the same thing but in slightly different ways. That is to say both methods create a crap ton of mechanical tension, but one uses more weight and one uses more reps. I...
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville Yep, I’m quite advanced and these are still like 90-95% of my training
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville ATG squats Hack squats Deficit Barbell RDLs Weighted dips Weighted chin ups DB flat press Deficit barbell rows Seated BTN press Ab rollouts Straight leg calf raises
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    overtraining impacting results

    @earnest1018 If you’ve been training only for 2 years, you don’t need to worry about “weak points”. You should be worried about putting on as much muscle as possible. As for overtraining, if you logbook your sessions and your numbers are going up, you’re not overtraining. Even if numbers aren’t...
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    What is your favourite meal during a weight loss phase?

    @namibia Sirloin and roasted idaho potatoes with a side of blueberries.
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    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    @kaieraai My calves started to grow when I did ridiculously high rep ranges, with a DEEP range of motion and pausing in the stretched position every rep. I also took a page out of Dante Trudel’s training and would incorporate a 60-120 sec hold in the stretched position with a very heavy weight...
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @constantine1946 Def shouldn’t take a few years. More like a few weeks if you’re not screwing around in the gym.
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @constantine1946 Pick movements that work well for your specific biomechanics and allow you to progressively overload long term without any major aches or pains. Simple as that
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    PPL vs Sam Sulek Split

    @lostfornow Pick whatever you one you’ll enjoy but i’ll also add this caveat: You’re only a couple years into training. Unless you’re doing a 20 minute workout, you don’t need an entire session dedicated to solely arms or chest+side delts.