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  1. G

    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @mybridges Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck but it was just a little bit, so I can still be a little natty, r-right?
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    6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!

    @luxchmi That's adding around 80 pounds of muscle to your frame. That's fucking insane to try and do and next to impossible natty. Dorian Yates in Blood and Guts said himself that he had put on around 70 pounds of muscle since he started and he was on drugs with top tier bodybuilding genetics...
  3. G

    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @kalwa A lot of people do. Its why you see so many people who've gotten 4 months of results in 2 years of lifting. Most people don't train hard enough. 10 sets should be good in your case though
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    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @kalwa There are 3 ways the word failure is used in the fitness industry. Voluntary failure, technical failure, and mechanical/muscular failure. Voluntary failure is when you stop once the set starts to get hard. Technical failure is when you stop because form starts to break down...
  5. G

    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @kalwa Only if you're pushing to genuine muscular failure. Like when the weight nearly drops on you and you need to catch your breath afterwards when you did a 8 second grinding rep at the end of your set. It'll feel like you need a 5 minute rest and even then the weight feels like it multiplied...
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    High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

    @kendraw My friend, Arnold was notorious for taking absurd amounts of steroids even compared to the other people he competed with for the Olympia title. He needed the roids to recover from that crazy workload. On top of that he only ran the type of program you posted for maybe a month at a time...
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    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @ziia89 My lack of muscular endurance? In the entire 14 years I've been lifting not once have I seen someone push to genuine failure and have a similar number on their next set. Not. One. Single. Time. A genuine maximum effort set will burn all your other sets to the ground. If you truly believe...
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    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @ziia89 Or maybe what you think is failure for you isn't actual muscular failure. Pushing yourself and pushing until the muscle fails are two different things
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    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @williamgoode You didn't push to muscular failure if those are the reps you got after the first set. If you push a muscle to it's limit then your reps after the first set fall off a cliff
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    Need help With my Routine

    @mariaisabella You have the basis for a great program and I'm still standing by my hypotheses that you're just at that stage where results are going to be slower now. Congrats on being intermediate dude 🎉 Welcome to the family. I would recommend specializing for blocks to focus on bringing body...
  11. G

    Is 10 sets a chest to failure a week sufficient?

    @kalwa If you're actually pushing to failure, as in set 1 is ten reps, and set 2 you either have to take off 40 pounds or you'll only get three reps, then that's more than enough
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    Need help With my Routine

    @mariaisabella This is honestly a great program. I can't see anything really wrong with it. You may be at that stage where increases in weight and reps is only going to come every few sessions if you've been continuously training for the past year. Have you been running this program for that...
  13. G

    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @mariajo Do front squats instead of back squats. If you hit failure or you feel an injury coming or something you can dump the bar forward and stop the set right there