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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @catqueen 17 (I am assuming ug/L) for ferritin is low. It should be 100-250.
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    Anyone here ever had to change their “fitness identity”?

    @anton0003 I am, or was, or am in between being, a horseback rider, a singer, a career woman, a partier, a cyclist, a gardener, a runner, a knitter, a dog owner, a mechanic, a squash player, a Whitewater kayaker, a swing dancer, a punk rocker.... The list goes on. Some of those parts of my...
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @theist555 Good luck! Happy to hear things are improving! Non-anemic iron deficiency is a thing!!
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @tweety12 People totally compare period by using menstrual cups, as many come with 1/2oz and 1oz markers on the cup!
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @tweety12 Vitamin C is recommended in tandem because it helps your body absorb iron, but should actually also help with the side effects. Do you eat the supplement on a full or empty stomach? My physician said to eat it on an empty stomach if I didn't have bad side effects, but if the...
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @hismusic Maybe I'm getting my units wrong - I'll look for the link when I'm on my laptop.
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @hismusic Checked - in British Columbia, anything below 100ug/L warrants further tests, and anything below 15 is an iron deficiency diagnostic on its own. At 14, my doctor told me if it went lower, i would probably start losing hair.
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @mathighas Oh man, I'm so happy you're feeling better! It's crazy how quick it turns around once you know what going on and can address it. Glad the post was helpful.
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    @ladysparkle As mentioned, I've had a good experience with novo ferogluc, taken with vit C.
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    How to deal with missing out socially because of workouts?

    @dawn16 My whole social group is largely based on friends who will go out and do various active things as social time. Mountain biking, hiking the dogs, rock climbing. It is definitely a major stage-of-life thing though, as we're all in the thin of it with adulty crap like overtime and house...
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    How to deal with missing out socially because of workouts?

    @haithai01 Yup, confirmed, am old. Gloriously old.
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    Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update

    Background: I posted about two months ago that I went to the doctor because I just generally felt like crap (fatigue, headache, etc) and they decided the best approach was to throw all the blood tests at me. The result was that I had extremely low (14ug/L) ferritin levels. In context, you...
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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @vlo I posted about this back in the fall! I was oh-shit-your-hair-is-going-to-fall-out low (14, I think, so still shifter than you). Getting on supplements was life changing! I felt like I was cheating on my bike rides.
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    How to deal with missing out socially because of workouts?

    @ashleynicoleyoung2016 I purposely pick social sports to account for this!
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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @cotta Normal iron but low ferritin is called non-anemic iron deficiency! I have that!