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  1. V

    Top 10 exercises

    @dsal Abs! Good suggestion. My go to usually cable crunches. But yes, would be a good swap out.
  2. V

    Top 10 exercises

    @doks Nice! Imagine beginners just stuck to these forever and got fukn strong. Be huge af after a few years.
  3. V

    Top 10 exercises

    This is a bit of a basic bro question; but those Chris Williams podcasts (or whatever his name is) got me thinking. If you could only do 10 exercises forever, what would they be? Mind would be: Incline smith machine press Behind the back lateral raise Cross cable Tricep extension Incline...
  4. V

    I guess it’s time to deload?

    @fromissouri Sure take a deload. Rotate some exercises that bother you, and you should be fine. Volume seems fine to me, nothing abnormal.
  5. V

    I guess it’s time to deload?

    @fromissouri While a deload can help. It’s not always the answer. It might be especially if you just feel like you need one and motivation is low. But for the other things: Why are your joints hurting? Possibly, too much volume and improper technique could also be an answer. Maybe you need to...