Top 10 exercises


New member
This is a bit of a basic bro question; but those Chris Williams podcasts (or whatever his name is) got me thinking. If you could only do 10 exercises forever, what would they be?

Mind would be:
  1. Incline smith machine press
  2. Behind the back lateral raise
  3. Cross cable Tricep extension
  4. Incline bicep curl
  5. Pull ups
  6. Hack squat
  7. RDL
  8. Standing calf raise
  9. Chest supported row/ lying tbar row
  10. Leg extensions
Feel like I hit the whole body nicely.

What are yours?
@victorcourville Fun exercise! In no particular order
  • Barbell Bench
  • Barbell Squat
  • DB Lateral Raises
  • DB Row
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Seated hamstring curls (the lying down ones are probably better but I hate doing them)
  • DB Hammer curl
  • Katana extensions (50% because they look kinda cool, but they also give my triceps a crazy pump).
  • Seated BB Shoulder Press
  • Don't really have a clear 10th but probably standing calves maybe?
Definitely biased towards my more near term goals which are primarily 1) transitioning from more powerbuilding/compounds training to more vanity physique-based lifting 2) bit extra emphasis on shoulders and arms above minimum 3) some basic leg movements but cutting back (I know I know, but my legs genetically pack on both fat and muscle easily so genuinely grow more easily than my upper) 4) I basically don't train abs, although I probably should add some minimum volume.

I think this covers enough of the body for indefinite (a few compound lifts as a bandage fix for larger portions of the body). Critique my choices
@victorcourville ATG squats

Hack squats

Deficit Barbell RDLs

Weighted dips

Weighted chin ups

DB flat press

Deficit barbell rows

Seated BTN press

Ab rollouts

Straight leg calf raises
@victorcourville 1) Incline Smith Press

2) Lying cable laterals

3) Machine Overhead press

4) Chest Supported row

5) Seated Leg Curl

6) Leg extension

7) Hack Squat

8) Hip Thrust

9) Barbell bicep curl

10) Cross cable extension
@victorcourville 1.DB Bulgarian Split Squat

2.Barbell Romanian Deadlift

3.Barbell Bench press

4.Weighted Dips

5.Weighted Pull-Ups

6.Barbell Bent Over Row

7.Barbell Overhead Press

8.Lying Face Pull

9.EZ Bar Curl

10.Cable Lateral Raises
@victorcourville Boredom aside, if it is just all about becoming fit (not massively fit). I just need 3 exercises to work the whole body
- weighted dips
- weighted pull up (do variances of handgrip count?)
- barbell squat
@victorcourville Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Bench Press

Barbell Squat

Barbell Front Squat


Dumbbell Row

Lat Pulldown

Lateral Raises (cable or DB)

Bicep curl variants