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    Need advice with gym routine and progress

    @itagmedia12 You could add, subtract, or substitute a lot. There’s many ways to add strength. Honestly it looks like a program chat gpt could make. Not terrible. How is progressive overload and deloading handled? A premade program for free will have this built in.
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    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @kpatrick1111 Interesting. Any thoughts on an even further compounding effect from the source of overconsumption of protein in the general population vs strength trainers? I.e. red meats and ultra processed foods vs lean meats, plant based, supplements, etc? I think I got that thought out right...
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    Dumbbell or other exercises to strengthen wrists? F 35

    @jambalaya16 Don’t hit hard without good form. Even for bag with…Wrap wrists with a long wrap and buy your own gloves, maybe 16 ounces. For dexterity and slow strength building you can also use a speed bag.
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    Training "a lot" beneficial or detrimental ?

    @jl83 Hmm if I had that issue I’d slowly increase intensity and lower the volume or spend the free energy on low impact walking or hiking in nature.
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    Help a busy dad stay sexy?

    @grandslam Walk babies in a stroller with a weighted rucksack if the weather isn’t bad. Win/win for everyone.
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    new to the gym and looking for a good starting PPL split but have no idea

    @dave833 That’s a lot of volume in my opinion. No need for so much isolation work twice a week. Plus it doesn’t immediately plug you in to progressive overload, deloading, or the idea of running a program on one or more mesocycles then bridging into something more interesting or more or less...
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    Patella Tendonitis (repost from r/GYM

    @faithliness Bad form correction and constant cueing. I also had very strong hamstrings that were incredibly tight and weak quads. To compensate I did a ton of leg extensions at low weight and a lot of static hamstring stretching and band work he showed me. It’s slow progress but I feel like I’m...
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    Patella Tendonitis (repost from r/GYM

    @faithliness I have this as well as osteoarthritis, PFPS, and impingements. I ran a lot and played sports into my 30s. I tried PT and an orthopedist who was great, but overall I’d get burning in my knees from just walking. I quit squatting and focused on quad development and mobility stuff…LOTS...
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    Bicep tendon pain

    @jbreyes777 Lots of resistance band work at home from physical therapists on YouTube. Bands are cheap and YouTube is free. Try them all. I also use a twisty stick (15$ or so). I did every video I could find from PTs for all my minor aches and pains using resistance bands.
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    Efficient PPL programming.

    @hurdygurdyman I’d echo the other poster and say do a 3x weekly full body routine. PPL each once weekly is better than nothing but you’d need insane volume to see growth. With a full body you’ll be sacrificing a few from each but have more frequency for each group. Or you could PPL once a week...
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    Efficient PPL programming.

    @hurdygurdyman What’s the time limit on a single day?
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @dinneratsix Farmers carry are a staple of my workout. I wouldn’t do nothing but those, but you can make them the nucleus of your workout. For example, I do everything from a 4 pound dumbbell in each hand up to 100+ pound dumbbells in each hand or even more using a trap bar. You can easily...