Efficient PPL programming.


New member
I’ve been trying to get back into working out and have committed to 3x a week at my small townhome community gym. It only has dumbbells so I started a pretty typical PPL program. The peoblem is that I’m only hitting each muscle group once per week and I’m wondering if it’s more efficient/effective to instead run a mini PPL for each workout?

For example, workout A could be DB bench and db flyes (push), lat pulldowns and cable rows (pull), goblet squats and lunges (legs). Then workout B would be a variation of two exercises per movement.

I’d have less total volume for each movement each workout but would exercise each muscle group more frequently.

Has anyone done anything similar? Are there already other programs out there that I can follow or use for inspiration?
@hurdygurdyman People hear full body, while they're still in the bro "MUST. DESTROY. EACH. BODYPART." mentality. You can have more emphasis each session and still call it full body.

You can have a squat day, with two sets push/pull. You can have a bench day, with two sets legs/pull. You can have a row day with two sets push/leg.
@predrag This sort of what I was thinking. Having a minimalist approach where there 2 push, 2 pull, and 2 legs exercises per session. And then have 3 distinct workouts that are each done once per week.
@hurdygurdyman I’d echo the other poster and say do a 3x weekly full body routine. PPL each once weekly is better than nothing but you’d need insane volume to see growth. With a full body you’ll be sacrificing a few from each but have more frequency for each group. Or you could PPL once a week there and buy some adjustable dumbbells for home. You’d save even more time coming in warmed up if you bought resistance bands
@dawn16 God damn, I did legs on it's own and it's sore AF. Im assuming full body means two exercises for upper and lower body. Anymore, might as well do ppl. The body need rest and pushing it will cause unnecessary injuries.
@exploress Exactly. I do 3 intense sessions a week. I spend 2 hours lifting. After a few weeks i take one full week off, that actually speeds up my progress. Rest is crucial