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  1. B

    Finally did it

    @dontreallyknow Is this 1 rep max or?
  2. B

    is this normal or am I doing something wrong? feel like I'm getting smaller. is this body dysmorhia?

    @macherieamour Not sure what you mean. Cut if you wanna cut. Bulk if you wanna bulk. I honestly hang around 15-18% bf perpetually. I honestly think leaning out more than that just isnt worth the hassle for just a random dude lifting weight that isn't gonna compete.
  3. B

    is this normal or am I doing something wrong? feel like I'm getting smaller. is this body dysmorhia?

    @macherieamour Just keep cutting. When you are done and get back into a surplus you'll replenish your stores and your size will return. The fact that you haven't lost strength during your cut is a really good sign.
  4. B

    is this normal or am I doing something wrong? feel like I'm getting smaller. is this body dysmorhia?

    @macherieamour Your glycogen stores are likely depleted from cutting
  5. B

    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef Sure. I don't actually do a P/P/L split I do an U/L split. The key difference being that if I am getting the rest and recovery needed and feel up to it, I can get a third upper day in the same week and still get 2 rest days, or drop down to 3 days in a week and still hit upper twice...
  6. B

    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef It's too much volume for me. I hit back 2x a week and have 10 working sets(for back specifically, not necessarily in total) each day. I also have 2 different routines I rotate through in an attempt to balance consistency, variation, volume, and different angles. I would honestly...