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  1. N

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    @andramaxy I personally agree with Feldenkrais' decription of chi. The way my master explained it made it sound like this incredibly mystic and impossible thing, even though he insisted it isn't. I think it simply doesn't translate well to english. So I have formed my own understanding...
  2. N

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    @andramaxy Well taichi is an ima too. Basically they focus on the flow of energy from your feet/abdomen into movements - literally, as in the transfer of kinetic energy - not some abstract concept. External MA like karate focus on being hard and firm and doing moves as hard as you can. They...
  3. N

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    @andramaxy 8 years of a fairly obscure internal art, 4-5 years taichi tought by a chinese master emmigrated to australia. We did a bit of bodyweight stuff that my master had learnt in china. Side planks but with the top foot flat on the floor as the anchor hits your groin as well. Some...
  4. N

    Why am I so muscular but not that strong?

    @daughterofaking Armchair analysis: 4 weeks of training won't get you much. Great lats but your traps & scaps look weak (comparatively) You're a bit fatter than the average bwf beast. You have very long forearms, which afaik means your levers aren't great (good for speed though). You can...