My fitness journey, bodyweightfitness has massively improved my lifestyle


New member
Hey guys! I've been working out for 9 months and I just wanted to share my journey as way to thank you, it would also be an honor to maybe motivate somebody reading this post to keep grinding.

The journey

2019 - Probably my worst moment in life, just a 16 y/o full time gamer (except for school...), this ruined my posture and somehow unbalanced my hip, left side hangs lower than the right side.

2020 - I started practising parkour and got thinner, muscle mass still remained pretty much at 0 tho. Wish I had more honest pictures from this year, here I'm trying my hardest to look good...
Covid and lockdowns started so RIP my parkour career, 6 last months of the year I did absolutely nothing.

2021 - Here we are, been training for 9 months and this is how I look as for now, right after eating on a rest day, as honest as it gets.

Hip still fucked unfortunately, saving up money and courage to go see a P.T. at the moment.

I have been eating a ton more than I used to so BF% has increased but so has my muscle mass (finally!)

How it went

It started very slowly, I greased the groove until 3 pullups (coming from 1 very very shaky negative), then added pushups and squats.

My wrist hurt a ton when I began pushups, I even felt some electric shocks going through my forearms, they were probably very weak due to all the years spent clicking and typing, these problems have disappeared after proper (and daily) warm ups and stretches.

I made the jump to the RR on June and began boxing, this is where I'm at right now:

3x5 pull ups

3x6 beginner shrimp squats, sometimes I do hindu and sumo squats to work on mobility

3x8 diamond push ups

3x8 inverted rows

3x3 dips (I just started doing them 2 weeks ago, finally moved to a place with a calisthenics park)

3x8 single leg deadlift

How has working out helped me

I finally have self confidence, no more shame in taking the shirt off or feeling weaker than everybody, I actually believe I'm among the strongest people I know with my age.

My posture has improved a ton, I feel more energetic throughout the day and all of this is due to bodyweight fitness, not to mention the discipline it has taught to a teen who did nothing but play videogames.

My plan is to keep working on the RR for the rest of the year and then cut some weight and reevaluate the next step from there, nevertheless all of this has been possible thanks to this subreddit. Thank you guys!

edit: formatting
@cookiesforthree Sounds awesome to me I really hope he starts working on it!

I also think it's nice that he is talking about strength and not physique; when I started out I only focused on physique but it doesn't bring much, if any motivation short-term, but banging out an extra rep the next day, or the feeling of finally achieving a new progression is what really kept me going :)
@humbled1982 Obviously I'm just a guy on reddit so take it with a grain of salt... but are you stretching your back / hips on the regular? I've had lateral tilt in the past, a little worse than yours appears to be, as well as anterior tilt from sitting with poor posture for prolonged periods of time. Daily targeted stretching fixed it both times.

This is the one that helped me the most. Don't rush through it, take your time and get as deep into the stretches as you can without hurting yourself. It's possible you'll need a doctor but make sure you're stretching in the meantime. It might take a few months if you've let it get really bad.

Here's one specifically for lateral tilt. I can't speak to this one because I haven't tried it.

Nice progress by the way.
@godsgirl345 I didn't work on it at all, my anterior tilt has gotten better this year, but not a slight improvement in the lateral tilt, thank you very much for this resources.

I'm going to switch my yoga routine in which I focused mainly in the lower back and shoulders for the 30min video and see how it goes, again thank you!
@humbled1982 It's definitely worth a shot, hope it improves. My back got so bad at one point that I thought for sure I'd be in pain for life or need some kind of surgery. Nope, just very tight muscles throwing everything out of whack. Regular stretching and strengthening fixed it completely, no doctor required. Best wishes.
@humbled1982 Sick dude great job!
btw, did you fix your posture just by using the RR or did you do something else? Because I'm almost in the same position as u posture-wise