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  1. J

    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @slimjack18 I feel this so hard!! Is it possible for us short girlies (with short torsos) to achieve the kind of physique that mostly everyone else strives for? If not what is the realistic “look” that we can expect to achieve?
  2. J

    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    @blueblood Same here! Maybe some styling tips could help us! Definitely do not do well with crop tops and high waisted mom jeans unfortunately
  3. J

    Short torso girlies, where are you?!

    I’d love to see 5 ft tall, short torso girlies who are achieving their goals! Obviously, we all carry weight differently but I’ve noticed that I carry a lot of weight on my midsection but I’d love to see some motivation if you are around 5ft qnd have a short torso and are achieving your goals...
  4. J

    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    @curiousaboutthis I think I’ll try to get more steps in daily then before fully committing to drastically increasing cardio
  5. J

    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    @curiousaboutthis Well I guess consistently in January but inconsistently back in late November lol I average about 7.5-9 hrs of sleep. I’d say my stress is about as always the same hahha I drink about 1.5- 2 liters a water a day and I think more movement might be more possible just not sure...
  6. J

    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    @cph This is very helpful information! I think I can be more careful with my calories and see if that makes a difference in the coming weeks! I am trying to find a happy exercise medium bc I also don’t want to overdo it, it’s just hard for me to tell what’s a good balance to where I’m working...
  7. J

    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    @cph My period is supposed to be in about a week and a half or so, I thought 3 weeks would be considered a plateau but I guess I can wait it out!
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    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    @beka_mills When do you think I should lower my calories? And by how much would you recommend??
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    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    @beka_mills I am currently averaging 8-10k steps per day but maybe I could just be more consistent with them?
  10. J

    Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?

    Hello everyone! SW: 153 in January CW: 142.6 H: 5ft I’ve been eating around 1600-1700 calories daily since I started my fitness journey (including 115+ grams of protein) and working out (strength training) 4 times a week with one day of HIIT and very minimal cardio (if any) maybe 10-15...