Increase workout/cardio or decrease calories?


New member
Hello everyone!

SW: 153 in January CW: 142.6 H: 5ft

I’ve been eating around 1600-1700 calories daily since I started my fitness journey (including 115+ grams of protein) and working out (strength training) 4 times a week with one day of HIIT and very minimal cardio (if any) maybe 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Now, I’ve been stuck at 142 lbs for about 3 weeks so I think I might be stuck. I’ve recently (over the past week or two) started to run about 1-2 miles daily/ every other day and it’s too early to tell if this will keep me losing weight.

My question is, if i currently am in a plateau, would it be better to

A. Decrease my calorie intake and keep strength training 4 days, HIIT 1 day and the occasional run
B. Keep my current calorie intake but increase to 5 days strength training, 1 day HIIT and occasional run
C. Keep my current calorie intake, keep the 4 day training, 1 day HIIT and incorporate daily (or at least every other day) running
D. Something else???

Any thoughts or input is appreciated!! Thank you!!
@jesseyoung20 I would keep calories the same and add more steps. It doesn’t have to be running. Aim for 10k steps per day. If you’re getting much less than that start by adding 1k/day until you get to 10k. Walking makes a huge difference
@jesseyoung20 I would just keep going and yes really try to be consistent with the 8-10k steps everyday. Like i said it doesn’t have to be running or power walking or anything strenuous on your rest days just simply walk at a comfortable pace. You may eventually need to lower calories a bit.
@cph My period is supposed to be in about a week and a half or so, I thought 3 weeks would be considered a plateau but I guess I can wait it out!
@jesseyoung20 There is a chance that something is off. On paper everything looks pretty ideal, but I don’t feel like you should have stalled with all of this. Double check with yourself- could your calorie count be off for some reason? Did you go out with friends and forget to count a few drinks? Maybe over pour a glass of wine? With all of your activity, I would double check my counting before increasing your deficit. Also, I say this with love, make sure you aren’t over doing your exercise. It won’t cause you to plateau, but you don’t have to exercise to death to lose weight. I’m an ex gymnast and I have a similar amount to you, so no judgement.
@cph This is very helpful information! I think I can be more careful with my calories and see if that makes a difference in the coming weeks! I am trying to find a happy exercise medium bc I also don’t want to overdo it, it’s just hard for me to tell what’s a good balance to where I’m working out enough without overdoing it
@jesseyoung20 Through years of research and data collection, my sweet spot is 10-14 hours of exercise and no alcohol for my “dream” body. That’s alternating days of cycling and weightlifting - min 1 hour each (if I can, I cycle outside and go longer), 30 min of interval sprints every morning (more walking if I’m not up for it). It took me 4 months from a starting weight of 127 at 5’2 last time. The thing you need most is time. I just started 10 days ago and I’m giving it 6 months.
@curiousaboutthis Well I guess consistently in January but inconsistently back in late November lol
I average about 7.5-9 hrs of sleep. I’d say my stress is about as always the same hahha I drink about 1.5- 2 liters a water a day and I think more movement might be more possible just not sure what that movement should look like or what would be “best”?