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  1. K

    How would you strategize this WOD?

    @merciet Honestly if someone held a gun to my head and forced me to do Kalsu again, I may just take the bullet
  2. K

    R.A.D. R1

    @losthisway77 He asked for a review for the runners. This sounds like a review for the trainers.
  3. K

    R&R recommendations

    @hotleatherworld I usually use vacations as a chance to let my body recover. Avoid intense HIIT workouts for a week. Maybe some light beach jogs or bike rides. Nothing strenuous. It’s not a bad idea to give your body a break from all this insanity every now and then.
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    R.A.D. R1

    @limerick You wore the runners for general CF movements? Why?
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    R.A.D. R1

    @annemk I’ve been wearing their training shoes for the past year and love them, so I decided to order their runners to give them a chance also. Honestly didn’t care for them. They were stable and fit well, but hurt my feet after running for more than a mile. That could just be my feet though. I...
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    CrossFit burnout?

    @bonlin Here’s the thing. You don’t always have to be ‘on’. I’m a big big fan of taking a sabbatical. Here’s my advice for you. Screw the Open. Screw your gym for a while. I’m not saying burn bridges and doing a “F you guys, I’m out” speech. But quietly tell your owner that you need a mental...
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    Worst WODs for a newbie

    @belle33 This one isn’t too bad, as long as you bow out by minute 3
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    Worst WODs for a newbie

    @nuka He asked “whats the worst workout for a newbie”. Not “what’s the worst workout … period”. 😂