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  1. M

    How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

    @defd2000 Approximately zero. If you factor my nutrition - creatine, ashwagandha root and whey - $60 - $70 Average out my gear cost last 2 years about $8 per month or less.
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    Does aging really contribute to weight gain/loss of muscle?

    @xene19 My experience at age 56: training methodology is the number one variable. The body does not make or retain muscle without need. As you get older this dynamic shifts further to the "prove it first" side of the dial. Resistance training with high level of engagement effort is a...
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    After 2 Years of Extremely Serious Training. Reached Serious Plateaus as a Natty. Help?

    @forever02 Change your programming. I only looked at the first day, but that's a ton of volume that is just headwind. If the rest of the days are like that as well it is not good. You need to train legs more than once per week. You've probably reached the point where you need measured volume...
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @sharkbait13 Lol! The isometrics will be an at-home thing too since nobody has spare pins for the squat cage.
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @sharkbait13 Be VERY careful with loaded twisting movements. Most of the movement should be scapular/collarbone and not the spine. The two best types of functional resistance work are: sandbags isometrics Sandbags because the load is shifty, the load is further from your center of balance...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx Women are liable to have almost zero exposure. For them its a good investment. Men who have had good exposure like as not won't need a coach or the last thing they need are coaches who have narrow worldview how to train someone - what THEY are familiar with or believe in. Men...
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    DB Press Increase

    @lucyflor Look up "push press".
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    Home workout that works out :D

    @reneaz First set is metabolic, moderate fatigue Second set is high tension, low fatigue Third set is high metabolic and moderate tension Rep speed is always brisk. Sandbags are about a foot and a half wide and three feet long, they stack up pretty small. I used to keep em in the garage on...
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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @mehr I made two statements that sum up my POV generally aside from CICO: "Eating at maintenance with a moderate bodyfat % almost any diet high enough in protein and micronutrients will be "healthy" "If you have to cut too much whole food items to make way for processed or luxury foods...
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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @mehr And what of the high concentrations of pesticides, manufactured chemicals and microplastics that are present in every animal on the planet in detectable levels? Many of these hitch-hike into our bodies on whole and processed foods, they are now unavoidable even on a100% organic whole-food...
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    Home workout that works out :D

    @reneaz Most exercises you'll only use two of the bags. Your heaviest bag should be too heavy for most upper body except rows or pushups and even then barely. Your lightest bag should be a joke for squats or good mornings. Set/rep/load will depend on goals. I typically use a set of 15 reps or...
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    Tired of getting injured

    @estherrising Not a fan of BSS, but do use single leg box squats and loaded skater squats. Not many appreciate that all of these variations eliminate any possibility of lumber flexion and are more applicable to locomotion etc.
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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @reddragon4444 Age 56, my overall POV, reinforced by my lean adult weight fluctuating from 155 to 205+: CICO. Period. Studies done with carb overfeeding seem to demonstrate a greatly increased resting EE, and a lot smaller contribution to denovo lipogensis than is often quoted. In theory it...
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    Home workout that works out :D

    @reneaz Get 2 or three 7 handle fitness sandbags loaded to 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 your body weight (to start) and your bike or a jumprope. Adapt sandbag lifts to any standard push, pull, hinge, squat program in the fitness wiki. Make your HIIT more hitty by turning it into a Tabata format and leave the...
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    Tired of getting injured

    @wally1648 Maybe keep your head a little more neutral/look straight ahead. Reps toward the end seemed to collapse a little forward going down. Really, form looks good overall. Maybe stay away from training to that sort of fatigue - the effect on later reps was apparent. Look into Cluster Set...
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    Partners gym Progress Dissatisfaction

    @nextstep Suggest he find an actual program and run it.
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    A seasoned old timer needs help!

    @hoangseo Can you shave travel time and distance by training at home?
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro IDK if heavy barbell backsquats and deadlift are a good risk/reward, but you should def include squat and hinge grinds of some sort. How heavy you go is a function of your goals.
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    What Metrics Do You Care About and Why?

    @namaoza Resting HR, Blood pressure, body fat% (informally/subjectively measured), pain free knees, lower back, neck, decent muscle mass/maintained bodyweight. I work a physical job, so its way more important to me how I feel on the job than at the gym.
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    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    @rockerfox This right here. What happened to working in with someone on a piece of equipment? You have to take a break between sets anyway. So glad I train at home now.