How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

@defd2000 The equipment I have at home is long-since paid for, so I don't consider that an expense anymore.

I buy three or four pairs of running shoes and inserts for them per year. That averages to about $50 a month.

Sometimes I get a protein shake on the way home after doing a workout on the fitness stations at the park. Otherwise, whatever I eat is part of my regular diet.
@defd2000 I'd guess on an annualized basis, what I spend is about 150$ a month. I have a home gym, but I have added things over time, probably spending around 1000$ a year. The rest is protein powder etc.
@defd2000 Approximately zero.

If you factor my nutrition - creatine, ashwagandha root and whey - $60 - $70

Average out my gear cost last 2 years about $8 per month or less.
@defd2000 If you’re looking to save money, you can find a cheaper gym if there’s one around.

If you want to put on muscle, lifting is the easiest way, along with diet.

Currently I’m spending for myself and my mrs about 400 every 3 months for boxing, 110 a month for our gym.

Food isn’t biggest concern is health AND performance, so I eat clean, I do have a day a week I’ll eat something that makes me happy, probably spend 400 a month on groceries.

As for supplements, the must haves, krill oil, greens powder, CoQ10, magnesium, zinc and for me melatonin cause my sleeps crap.

If you love group classes and they make you happy, then stay with it.

The most important thing is your health, and finding a trainjng method you actually enjoy and can stick with !
@defd2000 If it's working for you, don't change anything.

My own budget isn't far behind yours. I spend $60 a month on a bouldering gym. $35 a month on a shitty strip mall gym but it's open 24 hours and is a 5 minute drive from the house. I spend $150 a month on protein and another $20 a month on guu for running. That's 265 a month.
@defd2000 About $9 on the gym and I’d guess $125 on protein powder and supplements. But some of those supplements include daily vitamin and regular healthy stuff, not necessarily fitness related.
@defd2000 I'm not gonna poo-poo your financial choices because imho trial and error is important, as is investing to make sure what you're doing is going to keep you interested and to keep going.

For example, I know there are gyms nearby that are maybe $30/month, but I'm going to be joining one at around an $80/month membership plus personal training to start because I've been through all this before and I know this is what it's going to take to get back my momentum during the critical starting period. Spending a bit more at the start to get me hooked and then later gearing down to a less expensive membership once I'm already in a rhythm is what works for me personally.

Same with food - right now I'm spending more trying out some new high-protein/ low-sugar pre-made foods. These aren't things that in the longrun I'm going to have making up a big part of my diet, but I am trying to figure out what I like so that it's easy to grab and go in the future.
@defd2000 And that's so important! If you don't enjoy any of it, you're not gonna keep with it. Throw whatever you have available at the wall, and see what sticks.

Good luck!
@defd2000 I pay about $38 a month for my Ifit membership to use with my spin bike. It was either that or a gym membership, but I have enough equipment at home to get by and I'm too lazy to drive the 15+ minutes in traffic to go to the gym after work and all the gyms around here require contracts that are like pulling teeth to get out of if you want to cancel or move and want a bank account or debit card so they can keep auto-withdrawing even if you cancel your membership.

About $125ish a month for protein powder and supplements.
@defd2000 £58.50 per month on a climbing gym membership, which includes a weight room with a treadmill.

I typically climb 3 times a week and have a relatively cheap protein bar or protein shake after.

I'm very happy at 70kg/154lbs so there is no need to spend more money on expensive high protein food. The heavier I get, the more mass I have to get up a wall.

New climbing shoes are about £150 every 6 months or so.

I bought a hangboard which will probably last me the rest of my life for about £50.

That's it. I eat less crap now, so I certainly spend less money on my fitness than when I was ordering more takeaway than I do now.

I'll probably build a home wall at some point, but that's future me's problem and will be less than a year of a typical gym membership.
@defd2000 No gym membership anymore since we invested in a home gym setup - got the regular peloton (membership is I think $60 a month?) and a Rogue Monster Lite rack. Found an olympic barbell with lots of weights for a reasonable price on FB marketplace. Still looking to get a nicer bench but it's pretty solid (from Amazon). Beyond that we buy almost all of our groceries at Costco, so we take advantage of buying in bulk and freezing things until we need them. Costco recently had a nice sale on Optimum Nutrition Whey so we bought 2 bags each time we went (got 6 total; should be good for a while). We buy our preworkout on Amazon. Not sure how much money I'd equate that to monthly, though. Maybe $100-200 total on the groceries a month that are more fitness oriented?

Before we invested in our home gym we spent about $19.99 each on a gym membership - gym was 'Pure Fitness' that had recently opened up and I really loved it. They actually had olympic squat racks, barbells, etc, not just smith machines and set weight barbells like Planet Fitness (no hate on PF equipment; it is what it is).
@defd2000 I spend $20 a month on 2 planet fitness basic memberships.

The rest is normal grocery shopping.

I'll buy bogo protein powders at some point during a sale and be good for a while.

So, I spend $20 every month. Guaranteed.