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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @dawn16 Awesome! How did you decide on those numbers?
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @heatherk Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I did definitely do some ego lifting last year that I probably shouldn’t have (I did this weight last week - why am I struggling so much this week. I said, having been in a calorie deficit for the last 3 months 🤡). Luckily no injuries - I’ve always been...
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    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @midushi Absolutely. I'm so glad you're recovering and that its helping you feel better.
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @lena27 I’m mostly wondering what the normal range for someone in their second year of lifting would be. So like I added probably a bit less than 100lb to my squat last year (I don’t know what my 1 rep max was to start - so 100lb is probably a high estimate but I have no idea how much I actually...
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    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @barlean I lost my period (and got it back) and have read a lot about it. To gain your period back you will most likely need to gain weight (probably mostly fat), stop exercising, and remove as much stress as possible. Most sources recommend at least 2500 calories per day. Running/cardio also...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @catd Yes, consistency is the most important part! I actually started lifting because of joint pain in my lower back. So consistently lifting has been a major part of how I keep that pain under control. Good Luck!
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @bbanvil Yeah, my quads have always been naturally huge so I credit my overpowered squat to that. Plus I took deadlift real slow to start with because it was a completely new lift for me (I did body weight squats before - doesn’t work for deadlifts). Plus I had lower back pain and wanted to make...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @iowaboy47 Yeah, seeing men just benching a whole plate like it’s no big deal when I could barely bench the bar when I started 🥲
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    Nothing is working

    @warlord4747 No worries! And keeping your protein intake high can also help reduce muscle loss, even though its probably hard to stomach on semaglutide.
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    Nothing is working

    @warlord4747 One of the things about semaglutide is that you lose muscle mass as well as fat. More muscle means a higher BMR, so I think its possible that taking the semaglutide meant you lost some of your muscle tissue, but when you gained the weight back it was mostly as fat. Maybe try some...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @roman1982 Being able to bench my body weight (140lb - so a plate and a bit) would be huge! It’s a major long term goal - but I doubt I’ll be able to clear it this year.
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @reformedchristian453 Oh yes, this is useful! I think 1.5x body weight squat and deadlift are pretty reasonable goals for me for this year. Possibly more for my deadlift since it’s lagging a bit.
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @iowaboy47 I actually have a pull up bar at home and I highly recommend it! It attaches to a door frame and then whenever I walk under the door I try to do a pull up. I got my first pull up this year and I can do a couple of cheat pull ups (where I start on the floor and jump into them). Your...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @sanctified112 Yeah, that does sound like a fun short term goal. I had some issues with weight/food earlier in the year that massively stunted my lifting progress. I guess bodybuilding just isn’t for me. But I did realize that I naturally don’t eat very much protein (I love fruit and veggies but...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @suzannebea1975 I usually just write down what I managed to lift in a spreadsheet. I did however take a weightlifting class in the fall semester and we weren’t allowed to use our phones so I was bad at tracking that (hence Idk my ohp 1rm).
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @brokenwings88 Those are awesome goals. Joining a powerlifting club would also be really cool. I might have to consider that when I loose access to the gym at my school in a few years.
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @sharon_m Thank you! This is so helpful!
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    I started lifting in March of 2023, but I didn’t really have any specific goals. I would like to set some strength goals for 2024, but I’m not really sure what I can expect in my second year of lifting. I’m past the point where I can expect linear progress and I’m aware that this varies a good...