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  1. R

    Upper/lower split volume

    What do you think about this upper/lower split? Is it too much volume? I have about 8 months experience of lifting.
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    Starting new program

    @squiggles2187 Very interesting. I am going to look into that right now. Thanks
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    Starting new program

    @canyor I’ve basically been doing an upper lower split 4x a week since janurary. At first I started very heavy because I had no idea what I was doing and to me numbers were more important at first. So I started at like a 130 bench and got to 160 really quick. Stalled at 160 for like 2 months and...
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    Starting new program

    @chevygirl1990 What would you recommend?
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    Starting new program

    @mrsneko I do enjoy the body building aspect more but I guess not seeing any improvement in my numbers just seems odd and that’s why I am focusing more on the strength aspect right now. I thought I would be increasing my strength while building muscle. My physique has dramatically improved in...
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    Starting new program

    @dawn16 You got any advice man
  7. R

    Starting new program

    @dawn16 Yes that’s why I decided to only workout on my days off because when I would do them on my work days I’d only get about 4 hours of skeep
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    Starting new program

    @533th3r Unfortunately I work 12 hour nights with 2 hours commute daily so it leaves me with very minimal time to do much and I try to get as many hours as I can on the days I work and I try to make up for the lack of ot on my days off
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    I cannot gain muscle, no matter what I do

    @maylicia Every set? Compounds and accessories? Or just last set on specific excercises?
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    Starting new program

    I am starting my new program soon. Seriously want to break past this 155-165 bench press that I’ve stalled at for most of the year. I got my sleep as good as it’ll get 5.5-6.5 hours on my scheduled work days and 7-8ish on my days off. Have about a year of experience counting macros, trying keto...
  11. R

    5 consecutive days

    @kay19 Does upper lower upper lower arms rest rest rest sound ok or do I need that rest day in between lower/upper
  12. R

    5 consecutive days

    @bobwhite Would that 5 day split be ok to run 5 days in a row?
  13. R

    5 consecutive days

    @guaguar So my work schedule is 4 days on 4 days off. My 1st day back to work starts at 7pm so I have time to train that day as well but the following 3 day I come home and only have enough time to shower sleep and eat before I’m heading out the door again. Can you explain what you mean by a...
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    5 consecutive days

    I’m looking for a 5 day split. I work 12 hour nights with an hour drive each way so in order to optimize recovery I am not able to train on my scheduled work days except for my 1st day since I don’t start work til later that evening. So I am looking for a 5 day split that I can run on my days...
  15. R

    Workout routine for a 4 on 4 off schedule

    Hey guys my works schedule is 4 days on 4 days off. I work 12s plus hour commute so 13ish hours I’m gone. Wife works full time as well so when I come home I’m helping around the house and getting the kids settled down. Leaves me no time to get any kind of workout in on those days. My days off...
  16. R

    Please help nothing is working

    @ricardborias I like to keep it simple myself but really want to break past this plateau. I might just try a cycle of 5/3/1 see if it helps any and then go back to the basics. I’m not trying to compete or anything but I’d like to get somewhere in numbers where I’m proud of and also a decent...
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    Please help nothing is working

    @ricardborias I have been leaning towards that so hearing that from somebody else sounds reassuring. I’m curious to hear what you think about 5/3/1 BBB.
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    Please help nothing is working

  19. R

    Please help nothing is working

    @prasanth Here is my routine I do a PPLUL split 5 days with 3 days rest because of my work schedule I work 4 days on then 4 days off 12 hour days so this is what works best
  20. R

    Please help nothing is working

    @uspenski I have pictures of my routine and my macros if you want to see those I can message them to you.