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    Where Do I Even Start?

    @newcombe2 Couldn’t agree more with your suggestions. Start small. Trying to fit 4 workout sessions in per week, eating X amount of calories, etc will only bring you down if you aren’t able to accomplish them. Walking, even just for a 10-15 minute walk a few times a day will allow your body to...
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    How the heck do I prevent DOMS???

    @unprofitableservant I guess what I mean is that I am ok to do leg raises and step ups, but to do lunges it’s harder on my knees.
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    How the heck do I prevent DOMS???

    I haven’t been too consistent in working out. I just started doing Whitney Simmons ‘Alive’ program. I had one leg day… O N E… and it has taken me 2 days to stop being in so much pain. Perhaps I over did it, but I want to make my legs stronger. Not just my legs. My knees as well. Any advice...
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    The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?

    @adriana28 Check out YouTuber Marissa at ‘MissFitAndNerdy’. She talks about how our bodies adapt to the 1200 calorie intake and how it’s not sustainable to drop even 10% of calories. Look at her reverse dieting videos. Lots of scientific-backed resources.
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    Monthly update

    @curiouschristian82 Love this!!!! I am hoping to lose 1-1.5lb a week. Haven’t dropped my calories that much, 250 less than maintenance. I’ll check in on the 1st.
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    How Much To Cut

    @tr1n1ty Do mini-cuts.. Cut for 2-3 weeks and then eat at maintenance for 1-2 and so on and so on.. Still continue the lifting, add some more cardio in. Keep protein up as well.