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  1. S

    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    @dubschanging Yes agree, bagel with pb and jam 💯
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    Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

    @vartikasinha Ooh I feel this lol. I’m at 2500 cals right now for a lil bulk and the way my grocery bill has increased since starting😅 trying to really budget it tho!!
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    Too much iron and fiber

    @plsletmevanish Ooh yes i love powdered pb!! 😁 some seitan recipes are def intensive but if you want an easier one I can link the recipe!
  4. S

    Too much iron and fiber

    @plsletmevanish I’d argue that peanut butter is more of a concentrated fat than a protein source 🤔 have you tried making ur own seitan?
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    fat loss help

    @mrss Were you implementing progressive overload when lifting? This basically means increasing the intensity over time, such as heavier weights, more reps, etc. Did you keep track of your lifts to know how much you lifted the week before so that you could lift heavier the next week? Also I think...