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    M/34/5’7” Would joining CrossFit be too intense for someone who’s obese?

    @lucyflor There are actually quite a few running group that seem to operate on city streets near me but they're all a bit intense in terms of pace and most do over 5k. Esp right now as so many are at the peak of marathon prep. I like the idea of Park Run--I think because it's contained in a...
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    M/34/5’7” Would joining CrossFit be too intense for someone who’s obese?

    @lucyflor I'll do that! I use Meetup for hiking. Never thought to check for running.
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    M/34/5’7” Would joining CrossFit be too intense for someone who’s obese?

    @helper29 I wish we had a strong Park Run culture here in the US. It sounds delightful. It hasn't really taken off and there's none near me (NYC) though I keep checking the website for updates. Alas.
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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @reddragon4444 If all you care about is weight loss, then a calorie is indeed a calorie. But health and longevity is more than just BMI. II've reduced my processed food and sugar intake by 90% this year and I feel so much better--my cardio system, joints, skin and energy levels have all...
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @timex4g0d A doctor would know best but.....that's quite possible yeah.
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    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    @timex4g0d I have had something like that but it was from an injury where I banged my knee cap. So it was acute not chronic. It took several weeks for the pain to resolve and I couldn't do anything that involved putting weight directly on my knees (eg kneeling). Lots of icing and elevation to...
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    Chest exercises with big boobs

    @truth_seekers I'm a D to DD, down from triple D / small G. About the only exercise I don't like is Supermans because it involves lying on my chest. Back exercises aren't an issue. I generally don't feel any fatigue or DOMs in my chest after chest exercises. More in my shoulders and triceps.
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 Active stretching, at least 15 minutes. Lots of work on the floor. For upper body days I focus on back and shoulders. Lower body days focus on lower body but especially hamstring and ankles. Lately also been doing jumprope before all my workouts. I also do a bar weight only...
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    Struggling with eating … too many sweets

    @messagesoflove I have a huge sweet tooth. Here's what works for me: 1) Don't keep it at home. 2) Commit to a period of not eating any added/processed sugar. This includes sweeteners. 3) Eat fruit to satisfy sweet cravings. For me the committed period is about 2 months and then the sugar...
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    Suggestions to replace squats

    @prayingwife2015 I have smaller range of motion in one ankle due to an injury that never healed correctly. I squat as far as I can squat and don't worry about ass-to-grass. I can just about do box squat depth. Also elevated heel squats are great.
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    I need help deciding if this workout should only be done once a week or if I lack a high fitness levellevel

    @swan617 I recently started going to boxing classes and this reminds me of the conditioning portions of the class. I'm definitely drained for 2-3 days after even though I think I'm in pretty good shape otherwise. Ideally I'd love to work up to 3 days a week of conditioning. I'm...
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    Suggestions to replace squats

    @prayingwife2015 I have smaller range of motion in one ankle due to an injury that never healed correctly. I squat as far as I can squat and don't worry about ass-to-grass. I can just about do box squat depth. Also elevated heel squats are great.
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    finally deadlifted w/o pain the next day

    @sharkbait13 If you look at my recent post in this forum, it's taken me (38F) over a year to lift my bodyweight. It's okay to go slow. Work on your form and build up your muscles at your own pace.
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    work out program to improve the fitness of a giant who is about to turn 50..

    @ericph I agree that a routine focused on fat loss and dietary changes will help since it sounds like you already lead a pretty active life. FWIW, my mom (60s) was able to significantly reduce her HBP and medication needs by very simple dietary changes. I think if she was even moderately...
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    Frustrating mental/physical block in weight loss

    @joshvegas Cardio absolutely sucks but it really can help break through the plateau.
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    Frustrating mental/physical block in weight loss

    @joshvegas Probably not what you want to hear but it maybe worth it to bring a mix of cardio into your routine. Both low and steady (walking or light jogging) and HIIT.