Tired of getting injured

@wally1648 You heels look like they're lifting a bit, especially in the first few rep. Maybe that's why you feel imbalanced?

Also, have you tried not going so low? Obviously great if you have that range of mobility but you don't necessarily have to go ATG on the heavier squats.
@borisv No, I think those are just my bad shoes (spongy ). I felt stable with good tension through my heels and toes. If I look forward that's where the mirror is, and I start over-analizying everything about the movement and feel imbalanced / lose focus.
@wally1648 If you're questionable on your bracing technique I'd suggest a good belt. It's a great cue to concentrate on bracing/valsalva for me, plus it gives me the confidence imagining I have a steel collar around my waist, which for the mental game is a win.
@wally1648 it hard to tell from the angle, but it's possible that you have side-to-side imbalances as well as not bracing properly like others have said.

look up mcgill's big 3 on youtube, and do those a couple times a day and as a warmup. i've also been doing banded squats as a warmup in addition, it's helped me a lot.

dont get discouraged by injuries. you gotta train your core and get the technique right. i know it sucks, but you'll be stronger for it.
@wally1648 Watching the video again, it does look like you're butt winking a bit.

This can be a sign that you're not bracing properly and your trunk is losing rigidity at the bottom.

Good video covering it:
@wally1648 If you did everything suggested here you'd spend 2h stretching and warming up.

Try this :

+ 1-2x20-30 second paused goblet squats

As to warm ups, start light, like with 1 plate and keep adding plates or half plates till you get to your working sets. Do sets of 5-10. I always do 5 but there are lots of 10 rep Nazis you don't want to offend.

As to bracing, there are some diaphragmic breathing exercises on Youtube which I always feel helps with bracing.

As to rehabbing your back, see a good physio and do their exercises. Good ones will do some sort of adjustment massage and find an exercise that will find immediate relief. Bad ones just send you with a couple exercises you could have found on Youtube.