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  1. P

    Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

    @shieldofangels I don't get why it matters? Of course a bigger active person is going to need more food. If you want to be able to eat more, focus on growing muscle. My maintenance has increased from 1,200 to 2,200 so far. I'm bulking at the moment, which means my calories are at 2,500+ per day.
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @johntf Unfortunately, you can't control the actions of others. You can bring a cloth and wipe down the equipment or a towel to rest over it though. You may find AM time less busy than later on. At my gym, I go in the morning and pretty much never need to work in with people or have people ask...
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @johntf You’re fine. People can ask to work in as this is gym etiquette but you’re well within your right to politely decline. A lot of people don’t like working in with another — maybe because they’re new, feeling anxious, don’t want to feel rushed, don’t like the sharing of equipment without...
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    Was it dangerous to bail out of my squat with my hair like this? (See image)

    @johnmarsten His comment was unnecessary and he definitely had no right to touch you. However, he's likely seen videos of women getting their hair stuck as they bail from squats and confused the hairstyle. I wouldn't bother getting angry about it, his comment probably came from a good place even...
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    I’m lost!!!

    @kuysniks Yep, this tracks fine. Gotta eat to grow, but growth still takes time even when bulking. If it helps, I'm reaching the end of a bulk on 2,800 calories at 5'0" and I'm around 130lbs right now. When you find your weight stagnating you'll need to up your calories by 200 or so. Make sure...
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    What is the end-goal of working on your chest as a woman?

    @kbhurst To be strong and able to bench the weight of an average male, if I'm totally honest. Currently I am benching 55kg x 4, machine chest press 45kg x 8, dumbbell press 22kg x 8. I absolutely love training chest. I find nothing else clears my head as much and I feel super strong after...
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    What’s a feasible GW for 5’ 1”?

    @communityguide Sure :) I now lift weights five times a week. My split is upper, push, pull, lower/hammies focus and lower/quads focus. I’ve been lifting consistently 4-5 times a week since April if that helps at all. Before I started, I was eating 1200 and went up 1500 a couple of weeks in and...
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    Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?

    @dassahjoy If you just want to look very thin, then yes. If you want to have definition and strength, then no. I'm 5'0" and have been 100lbs and even lower before. I look *so* much better and healthier at around 120lbs through lifting weights. I was 106lbs when I started.
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    Comprehensive lululemon Legging Guide for an Ex-Employee

    @silkybunny Do you know anything about the company's supply chain ethics? e.g. where are the clothes made, who makes them, do they get a fair living wage, do they work in ethically sound conditions? The one-pager on its UK website is pretty evading, not sure whether or not to trust it. No qualms...
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    What’s a feasible GW for 5’ 1”?

    @earthangelone Yeah definitely, healthy even. I'm 5'0" and 115lbs and I eat +2,000 calories for maintenance. It's all relative to your goals and the level you exercise. You might wanna adjust macros to 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fats and try for 1650 calories. See where you are in a month...
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    Is it just me or do we get ignored at parties/bars because we’re short? like people can’t see or notice us in the crowd

    @woollybear People aren't ignoring you because of your height. They're out drinking, having fun and not paying attention. Most people will get knocked into or pushed by accident when by the bar, regardless of height. But the more you adopt this mindset the more it will ring true for you. I don't...
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    losing progress

    @yeshuaismyishi Two weeks of inactivity is a drop in the ocean when you've been working out consistently for 4-5 years. Give it a few weeks and you'll be back to where you were before you know it.
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @mikeliznsam 💯 Haha I’m actually not, I’m in creative industry — it took me a long long while to develop this mindset but I’m so glad am here now!
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @stephny I honestly no longer have a goal weight. I’m just having fun getting stronger, bulking and cutting. The number on the scale is literally just daily data to me. I’m 5’0” and currently 59kg towards the end of a bulk. I started out lifting consistently at 48.5kg almost two years ago. I...