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    How does everyone structure their yearly training

    @533th3r 5 and 3 months is good but what about the other 4? I think one problem is the ideal bulk length is too long to do twice a year but doing once means some wasted months if you plan around a year.
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    How does everyone structure their yearly training

    I recently watched this video (link below) and made me wonder how others plan their yearly training. Watching some of his past videos I determined at least for me a 6 month bulk is about the longest I'd want to do. However, there are big advantages to structuring training seasonally throughout...
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    Upper/lower split volume

    @rootsrockreggae Where did you get this split from? Looks a bit much I think. Squat/DL and Bench/OHP in the same day is not how I'd program this since those 4 lifts can be spread over the 4 days. Look how simple this one is, you could probably even add a bit too it but I think the default...
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    Full RoM or heavier squat

    @dlawrence For bodybuilding science agrees For powerlifting physics says the minimum ROM to make the lift count is best, but also doesn't mean all your training needs to do that.
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    Is A-B required for PPL?

    @revbillw The reason I like 2 days is because you don't have to pick which gets prioritized. With 2 push days I have bench press and overhead press which I feel are equally important movements. On leg day you start with a Squat or DL variation. For both of those examples if you only had 1 day...
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    Anyone here bulking in their late 30's/40's? How did it go?

    @montexss I think your correlation is wrong here, if weight won't budge above 150lb then of course muscle won't grow either. You need to eat to grow and train to grow muscle. If your training is good you'll put on muscle unless you've reached some genetic potential but even then there are...
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    An Ode to the Bro Split

    @booboo222 Everything can work, you'll probably get tired of the bro split eventually and think something else is great until you get bored of that too.
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @lovely_krystal86 Depends how close to failure, if you barely got that 10th rep then you may lose a few on the next. This is why I usually keep the weight the same the following weeks so maybe you get 10-6-5 but the following week that same set of 10 is slightly easier and you get more reps on...
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    Intermediate/Advanced Bulks

    @vakf How much do you weigh? Usually these rules are based on body weight % so after rounding to the nearest pound/month the average guy is close to 2lb/month but the numbers might change if you are on one of the extreme ends. Rather than gaining 15lbs cap the bulk to around 5-6 months. 10lbs...
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    Progressive overload variations

    @seayain So on the session before increasing weight you do 10/10/15 with the same weight? Do you think the first 2 sets are very effective if they were both essentially 5 RIR?
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    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    @godsmusician There are plenty of splits you can do but as others said the split isn't the problem.
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    LPT: go get all around blood work done at least every yr

    @earnestq Don't necessarily need it once a year depending on results. If you are deficient in something you probably would be the following year as well so fix that problem and you'll know it won't be an issue next time.
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 I think a longer cut only works best if you had it down to an exact science, problem is in practice there is some error and you do lose some muscle. With a shorter cut there is less time spend doing something wrong because in reality it won't be perfect. The first weight you lose...
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    Progressive overload variations

    @savis That's not necessarily a bad thing though, if you are doing lots of sets they all won't be to failure and the last one is generally the best to do it on.
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    To what extent is bulking superior to recomping for an intermediate lifter?

    @leyanis How much has your bodyweight changed the last 6 months or so?
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    What are your favorite types of sets?

    @orthodox_christian I'm surprised pyramid is so low, I've been having good success