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  1. C

    Is this okay?

    @warmek Honestly a very nice routine. Struggling nearing the end of your workout is normal. I definitely start heavy in the beginning and as i use up my energy i start to lower the weight and just do full rom on the ones im starting to struggle with. I do add reps though depending on how much i...
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    Help, I need a starting routine

    Composite lifts have 6 reps with 4 sets. All extras are 10-12 reps with 4 sets
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    Help, I need a starting routine

    @momthreepointoh Push, pull, legs is a very good routine Push day: chest- bench, incline dumbell, cable flies. Shoulders- one hand dumbell shoulder press, lateral raises, front taises. Triceps- do whatever yuh like Pull: back- lat pull down machine, seated rows, rope face pulls, deadlift/ bent...
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    My chest won’t grow

    Obviously thats just for my chest work outs. I also do shoulders and triceps on this day too
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    My chest won’t grow

    @coleperkins360 Id honestly cuz the set count in half. 8-12 sets is what most lifters go by. Ive been seeing a lot of progress in my ppl split. I have a push day 1 and a push day 2. Push day 1: bb bench press 4x6, db incline 4x6-8, and cable flies 4x12. Day 2: bb incline 4x6, db bench press...
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    My chest won’t grow

    @coleperkins360 So youre doing 22 sets just for your chest?
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    My chest won’t grow

    @richardsanc He says last set for each exercise is till failure
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    My chest won’t grow

    And what specifically are you doing
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    My chest won’t grow

    @coleperkins360 How many sets and reps are you doing for your 8 chest exercises
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    I’m struggling to lose weight despite working out 2hrs a day

    @nct With all your cardio youre doing, id maybe go up tp 2200-2500. For an average joe 2000 calories is what you should be eating. Youre obviously above average size and have a very intense workout
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    I’m struggling to lose weight despite working out 2hrs a day

    @nct 1800 cals for a 6’3” man is reallly low i feel like. Im 5’8” and thats my calorie intake for my deficit while only working out 45-1hr each day. Your body might ne in starvation mode trying to store all nutrients it can. Btw congrats on all the hard work!