
New member
I am currently doing push (chest front side delts) pull (back rear delts arms) and legs

I am doing 8 chest exercises with all of them finishing with a set till failure and a drop set at the end of my workout

And 6 front delt exercises

My chest hasn’t been growing at all same as my front delts I’ve been stuck on the same weight for about a month

I’m eating enough protein and getting enough sleep
@confiteor Dumbbell bench 4 x 6
Smith military press 4 x 8
Dumbbell lateral raises 4 x 6
Incline smith bench press 4 x 8
Weight chest push machine 4 x 6
Machine front raises 4 x 8
Cable chest flys 3 x 12
Lower chest push down on assisted pull up machine 3 x 10
Machine lateral raises 4 x 8
Shoulder press machine drop set
Peck deck 4 x 8
Dumbbell bench hold till failure
@coleperkins360 Id honestly cuz the set count in half. 8-12 sets is what most lifters go by. Ive been seeing a lot of progress in my ppl split. I have a push day 1 and a push day 2. Push day 1: bb bench press 4x6, db incline 4x6-8, and cable flies 4x12. Day 2: bb incline 4x6, db bench press 4x6-8, pec deck 4x12. Composite lifts are heavy and flies and pec deck is just for the full rom and squeeze of the chest. Pretty filthy chest day tbh
@coleperkins360 ya....that sounds like allot.... so are you going to the gym only three days a week? Why not split this into a press and fly kind of push days so your in the gym 4-5 days a week. push, pull, leg, push, pull.

it really isn't about how many exercises you do as much as intensity. if your not struggling on each set then you aren't working hard enough.

finally, what are you doing for weight with all these sets? are you increasing by 5-10 lbs per set? if so, then your missing your gains right there. do a warmup set that is pretty easy for only 6 reps just to get the motion and mind/body connection going. then jump to a pretty consistant weight that you can struggle by rep 8-10. for me on DB bench i'll warm up with 35-40 for 6 reps, then my working sets being 70 lbs. if i feel like by the end of the second set i can finally do more then i'll go up to 75 but that is a plateau i'm ok being at purely becuz i have wrist problems and doing it this way i still see pretty great gainz on my chest. but if you are doing 4 sets, starting at 50, then 55, then 60, then 65....then what was the point of doing the first three sets. don't do drop sets unless you are strictly chasing the pump.