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  1. J

    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Straight with your head when you put your head in a neutral position
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria If it’s possible, you can observe yourself in the mirror when doing push-ups. Your shoulders should be straight.
  3. J

    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Ok another thing you can try is try squeezing your chest as you go up. Pretend almost as if you’re moving your hands together.
  4. J

    Am I just lazy or do I geniunely need to see a doctor?

    @dan87 I hated the pacer in school. It always gave me anxiety each time I was to do a lap because I wanted to make it in time or else I was out. The anxiety made me even more out of breath which made me perform much worse than I could
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria I just tried doing push-ups while squeezing my back the whole time and my chest started burning within a few reps
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Experiment with different forms. For example, place your hands more forward or backward and try wider and shallower grip. I find that diamond push-ups activate chest a lot but it activates triceps even more so I don’t usually do those for chest. I usually do wide grip
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Basically yes. As much as you can. It’s not really possible to keep it to together the whole time but just try
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Are you squeezing back the whole time? There’s no way you would not activate chest if you did that
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    Am I just lazy or do I geniunely need to see a doctor?

    @dan87 It’s good that it’s required but there should be some exceptions
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    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    @davenigeria Maybe try squeezing your back as you do the push-up
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    Can someone give me a good 3 day workout routine for v taper

    @vman10 You can do core exercises. Or if your body fat is too high it’ll be more difficult to get it. A lot of it is genetics too so if you got shit genetics, not much you can do
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    what y’all thoughts on rotary torso?

    @michaeldb Yeah you should put some time in it because that machine is basically the best way to target those muscles.
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    My arm just "turned off"

    @faithlife1 They should’ve warned you that you shouldn’t do that course unless you have a lot of strength and stamina
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    Weak Chest, HELP!!!

    @aaronreed1962 I just watched a YouTube short about that and the guy said what he does is push-ups. He elevates his hands with dumbbells so that he is able to make a more complete push-up to get the chest more involved. He had a massive chest. I want to try this out myself
  15. J

    Enlarged spleen weightlifting

    @silvereyes Explain all that to your doctor