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  1. R

    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    @tiptoeloudly I used to have anorexia, and it's not fun. Good you're careful with it. In my case, newbie gains came with intuitive eating, but I made sure to eat enough protein-rich foods. Initial strength gains can mostly be neuromuscular adaptations; muscle growth is very gradual and takes a...
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    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    @jelynemarie Thank you! Yeah, bulking was a mental challenge for sure. I've heard that bulking is somewhat therapeutic, and it turned out to be true - I can accept and love my body even at a higher weight with some extra fat. But it still wasn't the most enjoyable thing to do. And cutting as...
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @royalpriestess Haha, for me, it was the first time in several months when I was actually doing some cardio xD Something is always better than nothing.
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    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    @royalpriestess I got a shoulder injury several months ago, and well, it was quite bad. I wasn't able to do ANY upper body exercises, because shoulders are needed literally in EVERY exercise. Furthermore, I realized that shoulders are actually very much involved in the majority of lower body...
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    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    @cant_think_of_a_name Thank you!
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    Fitness Influencers

    @bravechrisitian There are many different ways to achieve (almost) the same physique. What works for one may not work for others. I am following several influencers, and they all do different things. One only lifts weights and does zero cardio, another one does every exercise to absolute...
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    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    @ferero I built some muscle, strength, and endurance (I also occasionally did HIIT classes called BodyAttack). I had anorexia before it, so I started from zero. Went from ~48 to ~52 kg. But my nutrition was quite bad, so I surely could've benefited more from it. Also, it wasn't that consistent...
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    How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on my self taught journey [Female]

    @girdyourloins Thank you so much for the suggestions!
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    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    @tmi11er Didn't even notice it. I think it's just angle/lighting, or maybe my posture is slightly different in the second pic. I doubt that you can change the shape of your collarbones with exercise 😅 But yes, the leaner you are, the more visible they are. I believe pecs affect it as well. My...
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    How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on my self taught journey [Female]

    @girdyourloins No, I haven't tested my 1RM for anything, should I? I'm not following any particular scheme. Basically if I can do 3×8 dips, I increase the weight and stay at this weight until I can do 3×8 again. For pull-ups, I can do 5 kg ×7, 6, 5, I'm thinking about trying 6.25 kg 2×6. No, I...
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    How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on my self taught journey [Female]

    @girdyourloins Great post and congrats! It's a HUGE achievement for a woman (sorry, men, not so impressive in your case hehe). I'm on my muscle-up journey as well, and it was really nice to see that I'm doing the exact same things that you suggested: weighted pull-ups, weighted dips, banded...
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    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    @anguspure Thank you! So happy to inspire someone 🥹
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    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    I've been debating for a while whether I should make this post because my results are not particularly impressive. But progress can look like this too, so I still want to share it. General information Bulk: Sept 2023 - middle of Feb 2024. Cut: middle of Feb - end of March. Stats: 27 y.o...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @johnmogro It's something super generalized and mostly for gym bros I think (but tbh I like these numbers, too 😅). Just nice numbers that are easy to memorize. If you look at some website like this one (idk whether it's a good one, just the one I found by googling) then the standards are...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @naate I benched my bodyweight (126.5 lbs) exactly once in my life! It was this August, but then I got sick, started bulking and switched to higher reps. I hope to re-achieve it in 2024
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @johnmogro From what I've seen, it's usually 0.7x (or 0.75?) bw for OHP, 1x for bench, 1.5x for squat, and 2x for deadlift. I was hoping to achieve at least three of these this year, but, well, I only achieved one and am still happy
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    Reasons/motivation to workout

    @sparklepaws23 Being able to eat a lot without gaining weight. Looking good, too
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    Didn't lose weight during first week of the cut

    @marilines I'm not an expert, but I'd keep calories the same for one more week. Your body might need time to react to the deficit. Also, plateaus are normal during weight loss. So I'd wait for another week and then reassess
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    Recomp or continue bulking?

    @bob_from_it You can, just use or