F***ed Up My Shoulder

@royalpriestess Dam. That's the exact thing I do once I get very tired during workout but I do it very rarely. Thanks a lot for the reply going to avoid it from now on.

I also had a neck injury same issue as your shoulders. It was like a 2 years ago when I first started lifting and the bench fell off while I was doing Incline bicep Curls and I had to hold myself in the air resulting in extreme stretch in muscles of neck from my back. The pain was such that I could hardly walk or even get off my bed. But all I did was rest for 2 months along with getting warm massage of olive oil by myself or sometimes asking my mom to do it. It was winters back then, so I used to get a good massage on my back and then expose it to sun. I believe that worked for me and I got better within 2 months without any medication. It was like a trauma which made me quit gym, but I'm back to it now. You should try slowly massaging your shoulder with warm olive oil. Do it slowly like grabbing your inner muscles as long as u feel comfortable with it. Hopefully you'll recover soon.. And no more dirt biking lol
@royalpriestess I had an painy injury in my shoulder, had some injections, treatments.... but the real only thing to fix it was stretching my pectoral, everyday several times. It was compressing and letting no space to move the shoulder so my tip is.... stretch your chest and don't go too heavy on the bench for a while. Of course, with a phisiotherapist.
@royalpriestess Anesthetics, they lasted over two or three months without pain... and the key was working on stability of the shoulder and elasticity of the pectoral during that time.

But really, stretching pectorals was the key. Even now, sometimes I have a starting pain in my shoulder and i just repeat that threatment and go over it.
@royalpriestess check out MEAT (instead of RICE) for recovering from injury.

Analgesic (pain meds)
Treatment (PT)

basically you start at a super low weight (or no weight), work on range of motion, start the progressive overload over again.

treating an injury by babying it is a great recipe for creating long term and chronic pain.
@royalpriestess I got a shoulder injury several months ago, and well, it was quite bad. I wasn't able to do ANY upper body exercises, because shoulders are needed literally in EVERY exercise. Furthermore, I realized that shoulders are actually very much involved in the majority of lower body exercises. So no deadlifts, no split squats, no even simple squats and cable kickbacks. No hip thrusts because I couldn't even load the bar. Luckily, my injury wasn't so serious, so I recovered in a month or so. But yeah, I feel your pain
@roman1982 Damn. That sucks.

I've been sticking to machines, since there's no loading weights involved, and mostly lower body/leg excercises. And cardio 🤢

It's not much, and I hate it, but it's honest work.
@royalpriestess I had to get a PT referral for my shoulder recently. It's been difficult because it's a joint I use so frequently. Very frustrating. Was told it's bicep tendonitis
@royalpriestess You can still work on upper body if you do lower weight and alternative exercises.

You can do a ton with dumbbells, chest flys are awesome as well, and they aren't as risky as bench press.

If there's pain or discomfort though, I would stop right away ad find another way to exercise or lower the weight significantly to insure proper body form.
@royalpriestess Then you really did f it up man, I under expected your injury. Are you able to even move your arms like you were doing the exercises?
Maybe get some resistance bands and use like the lightest to slowly build up strength, but it sounds pretty bad, so you really need to let it go probably. Update your diet a bit so that you are not eating as much as if you're bulking, and maybe find a hobby that is low intensity upper body to kind of work those muscles without thinking like it is a workout.

Can you do pushups at all?