@whitehorse That's a psychiatrist you need a that point.
You have a massive self confidence problem, maybe related to past unknown traumas?
CrossFit is good no doubt, but there is something else here.
@thornbreaker Seems like a posture problem that is reinforced by your training.
You have a sedentary job so your posture is bad. You train with bad posture and the cycle keeps going.
To change your posture you'll have to change what causes your bad habits the most and that is for sure sitting...
@duskborn Just a personal opinion but when you reach a certain threshold in CrossFit, you need individualized programming. CrossFit classes are good for the beginners and people who just want to move.
@jekyll You are giving extreme examples on a post that says "45 yo and out of shape". You are the one that is misunderstanding what I'm trying to say.
Tell me how that relates to the OP? He won't be an iron man freak any time soon.
So telling him he can out train a bad diet is a bad idea.
@jekyll Being an endurance athlete and doing iron man is not what the common people are doing.
I'm an active membre on the r/cico and I can tell you that many people overestimate what they are burning in calories during exercise and underestimate what they are eating.
Even if you are doing...
@jekyll People interpreted wrong what I said. Of course you lose weight if you exercise because your calorie deficit is bigger and also training weights tap in your calories for at least 24h after exercising.
The biggest misconception is for people that train but still eat far too many calories...