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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @adriana28 If this is the right guy/relationship for you, you won’t have to worry about what he thinks. Your healthy choices are yours and any friend or partner will support that, no different than how we on this subReddit support you!
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    Help with my (30f) routine – Caroline Girvan

    @johnnyfred1 Howdy! Jumping in (pun intended wait for it...) to add that if it's in your budget, a rebounder is a great way to get steps in during the winter. I got one last year b/c I can't do any impact whatsoever and it's easy and fun! Plus it's a more efficient work out than running...
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    What is the end-goal of working on your chest as a woman?

    @danieljames Came here to say this. I had a great perky rack until post 40 and the deflation began. After I started lifting, everything started looking great again. I was actually pretty surprised at the difference lol.
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    Counting Calories

    @dersaemann Your lifestyle sounds amazing! That’s really all you can ask for. And portion control is exactly what I used 10 years ago to drop weight that quickly. Since you were much younger than me it should be easier for you. I totally support doing what works for you and you sound very healthy!
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    Counting Calories

    @dersaemann If you check my profile, I have a huge rant about counting calories -- it was the bane of my existence for the week and making me eat weirdly! Over a decade ago I hired a nutritionist to help me both lose weight and get control of my hypoglycemia. She had me log meals and weigh my...
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @icmontreal You're absolutely right about the crash part! I did something like this when I moved to a different time zone for graduate school. Slept 2-5 hours for a few months until I got sick and started coughing blood and had to take a leave. My body just wouldn't adjust.
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @icmontreal I'm behind this theory LOL. You would THINK that only 3 hours of sleep would have me begging for bedtime, but too many times I still stay up late, catching a second wind no matter what. I seriously think my body is trying to kill me! In all seriousness, I'm not sure when I...
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @sky32 oooh, unfortunately it says those with OSA shouldn't use this, so maybe after I finally get that damn CPAP
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @sky32 oooh I'm jealous! That sounds ideal
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @sky32 Interesting. I was using a workbook. How did you find therapists you trust? I have had mostly traumatic experiences with psychology professionals, so that's out of the question for me for the time being.
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    "Women are not small men" - ROAR by Stacy Sims

    @nichole08 Thank you and to @saussiona! I signed up; can't use the app b/c I'm vision disabled and it's a pain just to login, but the website gives enough info about workouts. I don't see food on the website, unfortunately.
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @ananymous SAME. Setting an alarm is a guarantee I will stay up all night stressed out. Not having anything to do the next day means I'm usually up earlier than usual ready to go lol.
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @mj_1969 That's kind of amazing :D
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    "Women are not small men" - ROAR by Stacy Sims

    @saussiona That's so cool! Is she the only resource you use to learn about cycle syncing? I don't use IG so looking for other resources (in addition to this Stacy Sims book).
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @mj_1969 Thanks for this! oh dang 9:30 sleep; that sounds like the dream. I remember the days of 10-6 -- they were hard! lol My WFH is flexible make-my-own hours, so there's definitely a lack of structure there. How do you not go on your phone at night?
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @tokono Thank you so much for sharing!! I had an acupuncturist who gave me the same assignment and it worked REALLY well. The best sleep I had in my life was the 8 months I was housesitting for my friend in a fantastic little house that was quiet and safe, and I naturally slept from...
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    This seems to be the #1 advice we all give (along with a ton of protein), but the one that's the absolute hardest for me. TLDR: please share your stories of how you get to bed earlier, esp. for night owls and insomniacs! (naturally early to bed folks probably won't help me much lol) I've been...