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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @chelseyn09 Do you track your weight each day and average it out to see weekly trends? And same with calories? That information is necessary. Your overall weight loss is right on track (about 1% per week) but this is just a snapshot in time. It could be the case that you’ve lost most of your...
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @chelseyn09 Hard to say without knowing your rate of weight loss prior. What was your intake and activity level when you were losing 1-1.5 lb/week?
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    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @chelseyn09 11 weeks out is about what I’d say you look like so good call. I would also bring calories and cardio up to a sustainable level. 1600 cal with 40 min incline cardio as a near 6 ft guy is by all definitions an unsustainable crash diet. Unless you are noticeably ahead of schedule...
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    First Bodybuilding Show - Recap

    @prcg345 Congrats. I mean this as a compliment but if your lower body matched your upper body, you’d be very competitive to win a natural show.
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal Relax man. You're probably losing fat, but you stressing over it will make you retain water and not see progress on the scale.
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    Bodybuilding Peaking Strategy

    @prcg345 For the love of god, please do not manipulate sodium and water intake
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    Question thread for our AMA with Eric Helms of 3DMJ!

    @jj6211 Ah yes. We’ve all been there — I call it the trenches. The part in prep when you’re super lean, shredded to 99.9% of people, and cruising along when, one morning, you wake up at 3 am with a sharp pang in your stomach and an audible growl. After drifting off back to half sleep, half...
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    Question thread for our AMA with Eric Helms of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 How has your powerlifting career shaped your bodybuilding career and vice versa? Do you view powerlifting as a side quest to bodybuilding, which is your main quest? Thanks for doing this AMA btw!