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  1. R

    [FORM CHECK] (Cross post from r/fitness.) Please can you help me ...desperate to squat injury free !

    I've had various knee injuries and have tried strengthening my weak left glute, playing with stance, high bar, low bar and watched nearly every video on form. I tend to turn my left toe out more and have my left foot slightly forward when not concentrating but I'm so frustrated. I'm wondering if...
  2. R

    M/21/5'9"/146lbs From Dirty Bulk to One Week Out From My First Physique Show

    @hindsma When you say high reps, how high ? I tried 5 x 20 for side laterals yesterday and felt that this might be the way forward in terms of rep range for shoulder isolation. Felt sore for the first time in ages !
  3. R

    So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

    @biblicalquality Me too and the struggle is even more real at 47 years old !! Anyone know of the best programming to get our goals ? I'm sure everyone discussing this thread would welcome some shared advice !!