M/21/5'9"/146lbs From Dirty Bulk to One Week Out From My First Physique Show


New member
So, one week from today, I will be participating in my first ever men's physique show. Here are some quick pictures of where I started to where I am at now:
I used to compete in powerlifting, where I totaled 1080lbs weighing 163lbs. I had been eyeing a transition into physique for a while, with my original plan being to compete next year. After I started my cut, I decided to just go ahead and step on stage this year.

At the start of my cut, I was about 166lbs. I have been dieting for about 4.5 months and am now 146lbs. Looking back, I definitely would have changed some things, but I think a lot of that comes from this being my first prep, along with not originally planning on competing this year. I have been doing my entire prep on my own, without a coach of any kind, so it has definitely been a great learning experience. Feel free to follow me on Instagram and ask me any questions! https://www.instagram.com/themiggiesmalls/
@hindsma Agree with the shoulders, makes your taper really stand out,
I see you have a shoulder day, do you do heavy low reps ,light high reps or mix them up. they are very nice...
@mrv2u Typically I'll mix it up, but I like to usually go heavier on overhead press and then higher reps on things like shoulder raises and what not.
@hindsma When you say high reps, how high ? I tried 5 x 20 for side laterals yesterday and felt that this might be the way forward in terms of rep range for shoulder isolation. Felt sore for the first time in ages !
@hindsma Damn fam great work

You seem natty everywhere except for those shoulders holy fuck thats some shoulders. If I only saw the shoulders I would assume juice

Also can I know your split? Upper lower or ppl or what
@dmarks Haha I appreciate it. I do love my shoulders! I typically like to hit a 6 day split of something like: Mon-Chest/Tri, Tues-Legs, Wed-Shoulders, Thurs-Back/Bi, Fri-Lower, Sat-Upper. But I do tend to switch it up when needed.
@dmarks Tbh, they are pretty similar. The main difference being that they revolve around a different compound lifts. My "leg" day I usually hit squats and then my "lower" day I will typically do deadlifts. Then complimenting lifts for each.
@hindsma It's amazing to see the progression between peak of bulk and where you are now. Transformations like that really motivate me to stay on my bulk despite niggling doubts that I could look much better short term if I went on a cut. This really shows that all that time and effort pays off.