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  1. L

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @crandaddy yes that would be possible, but on weekdays i have school, and i would need to do it all later in the day
  2. L

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @koj well it seems like a good number, but there is no logic behind it, as i don't have experience.
  3. L

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    Dear community, I have been going to the gym for 4 weeks now with a friend, twice a week, i am 53KG, but i was around 51, and i am hoping to hit some weight goals. We we're benching and i got very close to 35KG bench, my friend is on vacation for a week and we talked about me getting that, if...